Happy New Year 2015
Our team is on the phone they are with us 24/7 to make appointments
As it very special be with you when you are with us in our room and that why I have put in place this service so you can call any times to receive assistance by a real person as this is unique. This service has been wonderful for us and for you, where we don’t get interrupted while in clinic room with you doing Massage or coaching consultations.
Some new areas of interest that will be coming your way in 2015.
We are focusing on women in business & women working for others, build a business, clearing blocks and if you’re a women that want to change where you are right now and are ready for some hand holding on the stepping stones, Private 1:1 coaching program service is now available with Helen over Skype at home for those mum’s during the day with children. Global women are very welcome. Women with a day off is ideal and available for you.
Chelsea Massage 83646088 Change Today Enjoy Tomorrow
This is very unique to South Australia and Australia, as I traveled overseas for training in a 12 months Academy program and
Graduated in Miami in
December 2014.
Women hold their desires on the inside, now you can act on them with a new confident and I’ll show you how to get on your true path, your lifestyle, fun with children and family, our wellness is important and a major keys to healing, this does go perfectly with massage treatments as an add on to new plan of success.
We are inviting those that are ready that are called to play better games in life direction
Look for great start up packages soon through Newsletter first
Massage and coaching has always been my passion since I was a young Mum myself. Lara and I are mum and daughter team and really are a family practice, women growing themselves and their business, pregnant Mums, families and Dads too.
Talk to you soon

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