Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2015

by Helen

Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year  2015

Between Christmas and the New Year there is a week, where we can look at 2014,
What we have done and what is not finished and what we can tweak and create whats next, going into  2015 see into month by month, what you could do and where that would take yourself forward.

Many talk about a 90 day outlook and living into what is in front of you and getting this completed.

Design our life

This is a good way to celebrate your wins and achievements, not finished yet, what did not work and to be grateful for the lessons you learned from the things that didn’t work out so well. It’s really important to remember to give thanks for EVERYTHING in all areas of our lives, even the areas that were challenging us!

Write down what your outcomes were from 2014.

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What worked?

Income increase why? Less why?
Organization in yourself
What did you get done?
Stress level 0-10
Overall FUN meter

What did not work?

Income same / less /more
Organizing not there / half way there
What was not complete by end of year
Stress levels up and down
Fun meter is life the same / low / high

What is not finished?

Projects that have been started
Your 2013 last years list.
Any area that would like bring forward to 2015
What was your thoughts why you left in 2013

What’s next?

Finish what you started
Stop what is not working, look at why?
Re-assess from here
Look at positive things you are achieving
Add Remedial Massage to your monthly plan to distress.

Now go get a BIG board from the artists supply shop

1. Paint the board in your favorite colour
2. Then get a few different magazines that you are allowed to cut pictures out of.
3. Find pictures of the things that you dream of, things that make you smile, things that make your heart beat faster, things that you want, pictures of your family, vacations that you want to take, words that inspire you, people that inspire you … whatever you want your life to look like and whatever you would like to achieve in the coming year!
4. Write a book
5. Finish school, start school, take some new courses
6. Get a new car
7. Travel to new and exotic places
8. Family vacation
9. How much money do you want to earn
10. Get Married
11. Come debt free
12. Buy clothes that feel nice on you

This is your life that you are planning and you get to create it any way you want!
I suggest you make it a MASTERPIECE!! This is the foundation building not the end result to 2015 It is a place to start

Here my Book I wrote 2013

Amazon books Kindle or Paperback book and coming soon in Audible Audio books

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What I do at the back of my diary end of each year, I write for myself, what I have achieved throughout the years and then I write what my husband achieved, then each of our children and what they have been doing, I seen in my grandchildren now as a nice memory of what they did through out the year.
I write their accomplishments and things that were unique to each of them. I thought I would remember everything with each child. Now, I can read what I have written from that year.
Put on Facebook how this exercise was for you and what did you discover

Everyday Empowerment

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