Great news for our family We have Three grandchildren Luke 9, Jennah 7, Jani 3 This year in July our Son and his wife had little second little boy called Koa and 10 days ago my daughter and hubby had a little girl called Madeline. All are well and growing. It is a wonderful […]

Your Child's Behaviour Has Changed … by Helen Brougham Something is happening that does not make sense … Your child is getting into trouble and you can't work out why. Yes you know he has his ways but on a whole your child is a good person. He doing all these things to get attention, […]

Many issues are happening in the world Are you ready for change? We love abundance in every area of our lives – this is when life is good and everything is flowing is easily. Life just feels fabulous and you can do … What you want When you want How you want Buy what you […]

We lost our money I don't trust myself or anybody else… all that hard work The shock of doing the right thing, trying to get ahead … to have it all turn sour … You become sad, are in total disbelief, frustrated, angry. You are feeling a sense of grief and loss. You feel betrayed […]

Living With Grief Part 5. How Does Emotional Shock Affect You! Shock goes hand in hand with grief By Helen Brougham In the St John's first aid course, we learn how to treat shock, we all have learned what to do from the medical direction. Not a lot is know about emotional shock and what […]