At the moment throughout the world there is this mind thought called “I’m not enough, I’m not good enough, not well enough, not happy enough, I don’t have enough money.” It really is time to turn the table on this mind set as it talks about “not enough” which in turn creates a lack […]

(new book coming out) As A Family Man Your Sister-In-Law and Brother-In-Law Relationships Are Like A Brother and Sister Relationship Integrity is doing what you said you would do and doing that creates the relationships you have in life Dad creates how it is going to be in his life. With […]

It's Helen's Birthday … Come Join The Celebration!! It's my birthday week and I want to celebrate with everyone 🙂 I got a FABULOUS birthday pressie earlier this week when I heard that "Empowering You & Your Family" is on the shelves at Dymock's Bookstore in Adelaide – right next to Jack Canfield and Louise […]

Past generations of Dads had to stay outside and walk the floor during the birth of their children. Now, thank goodness, they are part of the birthing team supporting their wives during her labour. Back in time, Dads were the ones out there every day making enough money to support the home and […]

Support us in reaching best-seller status on Amazon! This is a one day only event, August 28, 2012. Speaking Your Truth, Vol 3, Courageous Stories From Inspiring Women

It's time to ignite the passion for future generations of women and girls to achieve their ambitions, both personal and professional ~ Gail Kelly, CEO The Power of 100 100 International Women Share Powerful Stories Of How To Stay Focused On Your Dreams Dear overwhelmed 21st century woman, wife AND Mum … […]