(It Could Be Like This!) Chapter 12 The Stay At Home Dad – Cooking & Cleaning Are Part Of The Job One thing I am always impressed with is when a couple and their children step out of the old traditional ways to a newer way and do what works for them. One Dad I […]

It's just about that time of the year for the children to go back to school. Here is a quick checklist to help Mums get organized and get back on track! Time to go shopping and get all of the school supplies: Make list of what each child needs If your child is starting school […]

Desy and I have been married for 35 years!!! Sunday afternoon I made a comment to Desy about it being 35 years on Monday that we got married in Cleve. I was the fifth generation in my family to get married in that lovely little church and it REALLY doesn't seem to be […]

(new book coming out) As A Family Man Your Sister-In-Law and Brother-In-Law Relationships Are Like A Brother and Sister Relationship Integrity is doing what you said you would do and doing that creates the relationships you have in life Dad creates how it is going to be in his life. With […]

Women from all walks of life, especially those in professional fields, such as Law and Medicine, work long, demanding hours and find that those long hours cause constant strain and exhaustion as their pregnancy advances to the last stages. They simply get so busy and stressed that it’s easy to disconnect or fight the changes […]

Past generations had a set way it had to go to be a Dad. A man was boo-hooed if he looked after his own child. People said alot of things about that man being under his wife's thumb. Even today, alot of men are taught that they have to control their emotions … especially emotions […]

Your Child's Behaviour Has Changed … by Helen Brougham Something is happening that does not make sense … Your child is getting into trouble and you can't work out why. Yes you know he has his ways but on a whole your child is a good person. He doing all these things to get attention, […]

During Pregnancy Parents Are Fearful by Helen Brougham Concerns about • Will my baby be healthy? • Will my baby be a good at sleeping? • Will my baby be a happy baby? • Will my baby be easy going baby? These are serious questions and you will only know when your baby […]

Quit Bouncing – Listen To Your Child by Helen Brougham A child comes to their parents when they don't know what to do. But how you act while your child is talking to you is so important to any future conversation. Listen, do not interrupt your child talking be patient Keep your cool, no matter […]

We lost our money I don't trust myself or anybody else… all that hard work The shock of doing the right thing, trying to get ahead … to have it all turn sour … You become sad, are in total disbelief, frustrated, angry. You are feeling a sense of grief and loss. You feel betrayed […]

Living with Grief. Part 6. How To Deal With Being Bullied By Helen Brougham One person bullying is someone talking to you, can be they are very loud or can be quiet the words they use are sharp One person thinking they are being fun is bullying but taken the wrong way because the person […]

Living With Grief Part 5. How Does Emotional Shock Affect You! Shock goes hand in hand with grief By Helen Brougham In the St John's first aid course, we learn how to treat shock, we all have learned what to do from the medical direction. Not a lot is know about emotional shock and what […]

Empowering Your family may feel like it could be a lot of hard work!! I'm here to give you peace of mind. What I have come to know is that when our children are doing what they do, parents think the child is some how being naughty, wanting attention or is on bad behavior. Yesterday […]