Are you always feeling like your behind? could be, you are hiding out because of your fears, regret and sadness How to Catch UP – it is like being at work in a job; working harder, longer hours, no breaks and keep pushing forward then there is more to do. It also is a form of […]

Are you looking to find a job you love that suites you? Every where we look people jobs are changing, you know of someone that loss their job and they are fully qualified, now, unemployed, now searching to find a job. One Man said, I thought I would find a job quick and easily […]

Baby Blue’s are a range of emotions from all the new Mum despairs of “it’s not like the book” for breastfeeding and feeling like you are failing, to being still in recovery yourself, to “it’s too hard”, to “why am I still in pain”, to your hormones still being all over the place, to feeling […]

(an excerpt from Helen’s soon to be published book “Empowering The Family Man & Relationships”) Children know and learn how to be with both parents. They know which parent will say “yes”, and which parent will say “no” when they ask for something. Children will always measure and test each parent to see just […]

In Australia we are starting the NEW FINANCIAL YEAR today!! Are you feeling hopeful about your financial prospects for the upcoming year? Are you going to be doing anything differently this year so you can IMPROVE this results over last year's? So many people I speak with are plagued by money FEARS!! Are […]

This is for everyone who is happily married, over 50, and ready to finally have some fun!! There is a big difference between working to live and living to work! And if you are anything like me and my husband, sometimes the line got a little blurry when we were just starting out and […]

Everyone Deserves To Be Pampered … Mother's Day Massage Package Specials Available Until May 31, 2013 🙂 Give your Mum or another really special person in your life a gift that shows just how much you appreciate all of the wonderful things they for you all year long … a Gift Certificate for one of […]

Here is one of my favourite Mother’s day poems. I can’t even begin to tell you how much my own Mum and Grandmum mean to me. They will be with me forever … To My Dearest Mother © Kirsten Rollander My mother is a special part Of all that’s cherished in my […]

I can't think of too many things that are more enjoyable than spending Mother's Day having a fabulous barbecue on the patio with my family! I know that we all look forward to taking advantage of as many of these early autumn weekends as possible. Hopefully our good weather in Adelaide will hold through […]

Now days everyone wants to get a personal referral from their friends about which movie to go see, who they should go to when they want to have their hair done, where someone goes to get their massage, who their favourite doctor and dentist are … yet we all seem to be more reluctant […]

Pregnancy is a fun time! Many hear about mums-to-be being sick and having a hard time, but I’m here to tell you some great news … it does not need to be that way. I am seeing more and more women that are pregnant and are taking on being enough … strong enough, well enough, […]

(It Could Be Like This!) Chapter 12 The Stay At Home Dad – Cooking & Cleaning Are Part Of The Job One thing I am always impressed with is when a couple and their children step out of the old traditional ways to a newer way and do what works for them. One Dad I […]

At the moment throughout the world there is this mind thought called “I’m not enough, I’m not good enough, not well enough, not happy enough, I don’t have enough money.” It really is time to turn the table on this mind set as it talks about “not enough” which in turn creates a lack […]