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Today’s TED Talk: Is trust really on the decline? And do we really need more of it? Baroness Onora O’Neill on the rather misunderstood concept of trust. Ted.com With all the issue of watching the News, TV, in the Papers and in daily life we see where people just don’t care for others. There is […]

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I want to invite you to a Limited Time only .99 cents for the amazing Book that has been tried and tested by clients to living their Life in family everyday http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007C2HLH4 I have a favour to ask of you as my book is up on Amazon kindle now, I have a promotion going, it […]

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(an excerpt from Helen’s soon to be published book “Empowering The Family Man & Relationships”) Children know and learn how to be with both parents. They know which parent will say “yes”, and which parent will say “no” when they ask for something. Children will always measure and test each parent to see just […]

I can't think of too many things that are more enjoyable than spending Mother's Day having a fabulous barbecue on the patio with my family! I know that we all look forward to taking advantage of as many of these early autumn weekends as possible. Hopefully our good weather in Adelaide will hold through […]

Now days everyone wants to get a personal referral from their friends about which movie to go see, who they should go to when they want to have their hair done, where someone goes to get their massage, who their favourite doctor and dentist are … yet we all seem to be more reluctant […]

Pregnancy is a fun time! Many hear about mums-to-be being sick and having a hard time, but I’m here to tell you some great news … it does not need to be that way. I am seeing more and more women that are pregnant and are taking on being enough … strong enough, well enough, […]

(It Could Be Like This!) Chapter 12 The Stay At Home Dad – Cooking & Cleaning Are Part Of The Job One thing I am always impressed with is when a couple and their children step out of the old traditional ways to a newer way and do what works for them. One Dad I […]

At the moment throughout the world there is this mind thought called “I’m not enough, I’m not good enough, not well enough, not happy enough, I don’t have enough money.” It really is time to turn the table on this mind set as it talks about “not enough” which in turn creates a lack […]

Looking back over the last 12 months, ask yourself, “What worked, What didn’t, What’s next?” This is a good way to celebrate your wins and achievements, and to be grateful for the lessons you learned from the things that didn’t work out so well. It’s really important to remember to give thanks for EVERYTHING in […]

Past generations of Dads had to stay outside and walk the floor during the birth of their children. Now, thank goodness, they are part of the birthing team supporting their wives during her labour. Back in time, Dads were the ones out there every day making enough money to support the home and […]

Be Aware Of The Behaviour Of Your Children! They are copying your own behaviour and you would be surprised how grown up they really are! Give yourself and children the gift of some coaching and massage time together so that you can shift what you don’t like about what your children are doing. It is […]

Past generations had a set way it had to go to be a Dad. A man was boo-hooed if he looked after his own child. People said alot of things about that man being under his wife's thumb. Even today, alot of men are taught that they have to control their emotions … especially emotions […]

What do you say to yourself? Stop for a moment, get really quiet and listen to what that little voice inside of your head is saying! You might be surprised at what you are actually saying to yourself!! Some of you just might be saying … "What little voice are you talking about? […]