will continue on for generations to come. Children copy every single thing that Mum, Dad and grandparents do and say. Children tend to model off the people that are around them the most. As an adult, have a look at where your Mum and Dads aches and pains are? Do they have a sore back, […]

When your children are angry it means they are stressed and anxiety When your children are in pain they are muscle fatigued When your children are on the computer they are zoning out to avoid living When your children are tired they are exhausted When your children are not sleeping they are over stimulated When […]

Headaches are brought on by the many stresses you have in everyday life. The problems happens over time, very slowly but the underlying issues is the muscles can not do it all when they become knotted and overloaded are asked other muscles in that area to come and help do all the everyday things that […]

It is a dream to have your child sleep all night? How to know the trick and tips to help babies to sleep through the night at 1,2 and 3 months old and sleep 6 – 10 hours per night. It does happen and it can happen for you. Enjoying your Massage When parents don't […]

"Parents are Massaging their children and loving every minute." Parents are having massage regularly for Pain, Stress and Fatigue. Now they are seeing the results in themselves. Now they want the same relaxation with massage for their own children. Relax and enjoy a Massage Once many peolpe, thought it was too hard, and children don't […]

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a Mums and Dad's life. But not all mums feel well in the beginning of their pregnancy. Massage has been so enjoyable to mums body, as the baby grows inside. Have you seen the glow of a Mums energy, it is a time when this glow is just amazing, […]

Children need their sleep to be alert at school and for them be happy and balanced children. MUMS and DAD's need there sleep to have amazing patiences, stop and speek from a loving space and connect with them that what they say is important to you. Maybe thats how your children listen to YOU. mmm […]

dreamtime TV, videos, newspapers, advertising is sliding in “The right way to have a happy life” There is no right or wrong way to have your life. Question “what are your desires.” All the normal things music, enjoy being with friends, few drinks, great meal or a cup of coffee. Yep that would do […]

Session 1. Many men have lost the love of their life. They forgot their married vows, To have love and to hold……. It may have been that way when you got married but when something happens and one person pulls the plug on given 100% of their love and to hold their love, love can't […]

The FUNNIEST Home VIDEO SHOW. Don’t laughter The video shows on TV, how funny someone else accidents are when the video camera is rolling. This week in my Massage business, I have seen clients with lower back pain, upper neck pain and headaches. I always ask the clients “have you been in an accident, […]

Happy To See The Dentist It is so amazing how our children don’t seem to have the same fears, as I had as a children. I know I did not want to give my children all my fears from my own childhood. I dreaded and feared the dentist! It was not the dentist fault – […]

Follow your Heart get this System, get that life • FREEDOM a Dream to live IT is not out there it is inside you • Travelling with my husband while still running my business • The fulfillment in making a different, helping each person to be all they can be, in every area of their […]