As parents recognizing when our children are stressed and are struggling in that every them are doing by their actions, are they smiling, how are they them sleeping? These are ways to help our children.
What about you Mum, who's watching and caring for you
Are you feeling like this?
22 years old my world can to a real STOP, my grandparents were always near by, they lived across the road on the family farm. I had experienced my favor cat dieing but when it came to my grandparents I had never experienced so much pain as my grandparents dieing 8 days apart and for the next 15 years trying to understanding what had happened. It was called grief. Everybody feels grief different. So my stress was very high for me. I try herbs to make me feel better no, went to the doctor no to tablets. But this day I went and had a massage for one whole hour, after the massage I felt so relaxed, my mind was defogged, my head was clear, my body felt like gelly. That day I found the path to my healing on every level. wow. Three months later, I went to Adelaide and learned professional massage course, now I could help all mums to feel good, confident and in control of life in a good way. Stress comes in many forms there is emotional stress, physical stress and mental stress Stress is our bodies way of knowing their is something happening and this can come on from good and bad experiences. The body will get you ready for Fight or flight ( stay and confront or run away) What are the signs Symptoms: Always feel on higher alert, feeling heaviness in your body, confusion or can't think straight, some call it foggy head, they can feel on edge all the time from any sounds and pain in your body. Some people have to be with other people all the time, other want to be away and alone on their own. Some people are over the top nice people and other angry and loud. Muscle pain does cause stress and restrictedness on movement and does stop you from doing things. Cause: can be from an car accident, trauma, falling, grief, unexpected changes that was not know before hand, conflict with others, communication at work with people, the effects of stress can last for many years. Affect: forgetful to do things, some poeple want to sleep all day, other can't go to sleep at all Avoid: The longer you have stress the longer it takes you to hit rock bottom before you find yourself coming out of it and getting back to be well again. Avoid drinking smoking and tablets as these cover the problem and the emotional level is locked away in the muscles. TV ads of quick fixers are being used to get the quick fixes and are causing other problem with the stomach and side effects. The stress test: when I have a massage there is always muscle tightness and this normal because we are using our muscles in everything we do. Feel the different for yourself Remedy: Getting 1 hour regular remedial massage and coaching sessions is needed to reduce the fatigue and overload in the body and release the stress.

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