Chelsea Massage & Reflexology Clinic
Intro: Message from Helen Quick Tip: Throw Away Your Painkillers Feature Article: How Your Sense Of Humour Will Save Your Life Helen Recommends:Looking After Your Body Tell A Friend: Share the love! Welcome: New readers to the Chelsea Massage Community Massage Vouchers Pregnancy Massage Dates: Exciting news!
Message From Helen
Hi, The children are back at school and families are back into their routines. There are the parents that are off to work after dropping their children off at school, other parents are working from home are a little more flexible with their time, and the parents that are busy at home and working in their family business. It has been a long break and they are full of energy. Now they are back at school and I’m sure your schedule is filling up fast with children’s activities. So now it’s time to keep focused on the health of your mind, body and spirit.
Quick Tip
Throw Away Your Painkillers When you start to feel great in one area of life, every other area in your life immediately lifts and you get results. No tablet will give you the benefits that massage gives you in the long term and there are lots of side effects with massage happiness, free movement and contentment. Tablets may stop immediate issues – now times that by how times you use them per year. This build up over time can affect other organs and bring on other issues that could be potentially be life threatening. Massage unlocks the tightness and gives you real relief in all areas of your body. You will have a healing effect with each visit.
Feature Article
How Your Sense Of Humour Will Save Your Life There is not enough humour in your life. There I said it. Now smile… now laugh. Laugh as if there is no one listening. How do you feel? Happy? That’s fantastic! My job is done… almost. What we think and say directly affects how we feel in our bodies. Our words also affect our relationships with our family, friends, co-workers and with every person we interact with on a daily basis – and importantly the relationship we have with ourselves. The amazing aspect about our thoughts is that they are a reflection on how we see the world and you can change your thoughts and how you speak with people in an instant. The impact that you can have with humour is immeasurable and can last generations. When you choose to live your life consistently with a sense of humour, I can guarantee your life will never be the same again. Your relationships will dramatically change for the better, your health will improve, you will live longer, you will change the lives of people you come in contact with, and you will conquer the world. Well, not really – but you may feel like you can the more you use your sense of humour. “Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.” Charlie Chaplin Having a great sense of humour is the foundation for a healthy mind, body and spirit. The mind/body connection is interconnected so you need to be mindful of your thoughts. Negative thoughts can have a negative impact on every cell, in every muscle and in every bone in your body. Having positive humorous thoughts and speaking to others Life With A Good Dose Of Humour
It starts when you decide to put on a brand new pair of glasses I like to call “funny glasses”. Now you will see life through these wonderful new set of glasses. Use them wisely! Let everyone know that you now choose to live every day with a sense of humour, except strangers who may give you funny looks or think you are completely crazy. “But I’m not a comedian!”, I hear you ask. Good question with an easy answer. You don’t need to be a comedian. Everyone has a sense of humour and it’s about tapping into that to change your thought patterns and therefore to have a positive impact on your health. The next painful step is to make a decision about people who will not support your new way of living. Remember it’s not their fault that they are unable to accept the “new” you. Some people may feel uncomfortable with what they don’t understand or, they are unwilling to accept change or prefer the “old” you. The next step is to find your muse. What sort of humour tickles your funny bone? A friend of mine loves satirical humour and reads The Onion news every day. It’s her way of looking at the world in a different way so when she steps outside into the “real” world she see’s life in a very satirical way. Include at least a minimum of 1 hour of humour into your day for maximum results. You can listen while you are driving, on public transport with your iPod, listening in the house in the background while you are getting ready for work or getting your kids ready for school. You can spend 10-15 minutes during the day in what we will call your “humour time-out period”. You can end the day with some humour. The next “difficult” step is to ask yourself a question whenever something that normally makes you “angry” or “upset”. Ask yourself, “How is this situation funny?” This will take some practice. Your sense of humour is like a muscle – the more you use it the easier it will become. A friend of mine was asked out on a date recently to only find out he was already engaged. Instead of being upset and angry she asked herself “How is this situation funny?”. She turned that situation it into a humorous story and therefore changed the way she felt in her mind, body and soul. That story got the attention of Woman’s Day and that made her smile. She had made others laugh and she also laughed. Including humour into your life can work in synergy with your massage. You will feel relaxed and ready for your massage with your body receptive to the massage. And you may even want to use your sense of humour with your massage therapist. Would you like to use this article on your website or in your ezine? You are free to reproduce the text, as long as the information below stays intact. About The Author: Helen Brougham Helen Brougham has been professionally massaging clients for over 18 years. She has a holistic approach to therapeutic massage, using her coaching expertise to teach people how to successfully make changes in their health and personal lives. Her passion is massaging and teaching Mums how to de-stress their children using the same massage techniques she uses in her Chelsea Massage clinic. Practitioner: Lara Brougham Lara has been professionally massaging for 10 years. She specialises in ankle and shoulder injuries as well as healing clients with back pain. Even the oldest and most put up with problems, Lara makes a huge amount of difference for clients so they can sleep at night and start enjoying life again.
Helen Recommends
Looking After Your Body Next stop for this week is to book your remedial massage appointment at Chelsea Massage. Get rid of all the niggles and muscle pains in the neck, hip, shoulder back and ankles. Niggles at the gym don’t get better with doing more stretching. Have you noticed that you need a massage to loosen up the fibres in the muscles so the muscles will stretch instead of tearing. Remember the last time you went and had a massage – you needed 2 more treatments because you left it too long. Just come and have your massage once a month for 12 month. It will only cost $1320 to stay happy, relaxed and pain free. That will equal less pain and suffering in the long term. This is the year of abundance with your finances and in your relationships. You deserve to sleep well, to enjoy exercise, and have more time with your family.
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Welcome To The Chelsea Massage Community
Lara and I would like to welcome all new readers to the Chelsea Massage community.We are delighted you’re now a member of our fast growing community. Our community values their mind, body, health and vitality. They want to know how to make more, feel relaxed, feel contented within themselves, to enjoy life with ease, to work less, have more fun in their business, and enjoy time out with their family. You can connect with us to learn more and keep up to date with the latest information here: Blog: Helen Brougham YouTube Channel: ChelseaNow Website: Chelsea Massage Clinic
Massage Vouchers
You’ll be able to create and achieve more if you are in the right state. Why not give the gift of success to someone you care about. We have 4 wonderful Gift Vouchers to choose from:
- Relaxation Massage 1 hour
- Remedial Massage 1 hour
- Remedial Massage 5×1 hour
- Empower Yourself Mum Coaching Program
Check out our Gift Vouchers Page now to order a Gift Voucher for a loved one.
Pregnancy Massage
A beautiful picture in the news paper this week of 9 pregnant mums all in a row. They don’t mind their body shapes are going to change and they will get stretch marks during pregnancy. When your muscles ache from weight of extra bump, fatigue and feeling overwhelmed will leave you not enjoying the experience of being pregnant. There is a little secret that is getting out about remedial massage not only releasing the aches but also smoothing those feet and relaxes you, energises you, you’ll feel lighter and totally comfortable. It’s about having a good pregnancy. Go to our Contact Page now to book a Pregnancy Massage.
Mid May – Special book launch of my new book: “How to Empower Yourself And Empower Your Family”

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Reasonly on a Currant Affair show they had a young teen that had a headache and with all the advertising about this and that painkiller will take the pain away.
Only problem is that tablet only works for 4 hours, what do they do with the other 20 hours of 1 day with headache pain, pop more.
They said, she nearly died because she was taking 30 tablets a day because she felt calm. It made a hole in her stomach and was rushed to hospital.
Having a regular massage is safe, effective and releases the muscles that are causing the headache pain.