Yes Dads, Mums get really scared and need you. Being by your partner’s side, reassuring them will bring life together. Often Mum’s biggest question is, “Have I got it right?” … and we look at those we know to show us what to do, but in reality Mum and Dad are learning as they go. They are doing their best to sort what makes sense for them and what is advertising bull!
Remember, advertising and marketing is focused on SELLING something and it can create far reaching problems down the track by manipulating what popular thought culture is … “In order to do the right thing for your children, you MUST do this otherwise you are not doing a good enough job of being a parent …” There is a lot of fear created with the marketing some companies do online and offline … FEAR is known to be a great motivator.
New parents have parents that they can share ideas with. They often have friends, brothers and sisters who already have children of their own that they see on a regular basis. If they are paying attention, new parents will see that they really don’t need a lot of the expensive equipment that is out there.
Buying the basics is the way to go
…. Remember you can always add as you go!!

Here is where the Power of Partnership plays an important role …
Before the birth of your child, agree, between the two of you, to work together during this amazing time.
Dad, Mum needs you to be the king of your castle! She needs you to protect and look after the family when she is tired, upset and confused. When you are partners, you will know what she needs even if she does not know in the moment. Mum, you need to let Dad be the king of the castle knowing that you are the queen of the castle. You need to trust him and let him do what he knows is best. Together you will come up with the answers. Remember too, your parents and sisters, friends and brothers are great backup if they have children.
Here are a couple of suggestions to help you both grow as parents …
Only read books, 1-2 at most, that are written in a down to earth way. Make sure that they have been updated and are written by an author who is living the dream you want to be living in the real world. There are quite a few books out there created by people who only have uni based or job based experience. You really want to make sure that you are getting advise from people who have children and grandchildren and who have real-life experience with what works and what does not work.
Grandparents are a great resource for support. And, when you show your children how to care for and behave with grandma and grandpa, you are also teaching them how to care for and behave with YOU when your children become parents themselves.
When my grandson and granddaughter come over to our house to stay on Saturday and Sunday, they love it when we are do things together – cooking together in the kitchen, going for a drive to take bottles to recycle in the land cruiser, in the shed making things and using the spammers, hammers, nuts and bolts! It makes my heart happy to see that it’s not only Luke who wants to be out in the shed but also Jennah my grand daughter. They just LOVE spending time with their grandpa. Sharing those little every day things and being together is just wonderful all the way around!
Mother's Day is just around the corner. Are you still looking for the PERFECT gift for your Mum…???

It's THURSDAY And You Still Haven't Gotten Anything For Your Mother For Mother's Day …. What The Heck Are You Going Do NOW?
First things first, DON'T go into panic mode. That will just send you down to the corner flower shop and you will pick out a leftover flower bouquet that only will last a day and a half… IF your Mum is lucky!!
I know, the pressure is on …. so let me give you a little stress reliever. Since your reading this blog post already, just click on the big image above and get yourself an insurance policy that will make you a HERO in Mom's eyes!!
This will ensure that you don't end up giving your Mum a half-dead wilted bouquet of flowers on Mother's Day – she really does deserve better than a last minute gift. You know that you want her to feel you gave it some extra thought this year. So I've given you a solution that's fast, easy and just one phone call away 
The nice thing about a Chelsea Massage Gift Certificate is that your Mum chooses when she wants to come in for her massage. Just imagine how good she will feel after we PAMPER HER like A QUEEN!! Just imagine how GRATEFUL she will be to you for helping her FEEL SO GOOD
This is a WIN-WIN for everyone!!
You can order right up until 5:00 pm Friday when the Clinic closes … but time is running out.
Don't wait any longer!
Chelsea Massage is your one and only stop to complete that difficult task for that hard to shop for Mum in your life. Click on the ORDER NOW button below … we are just one phone call away!!
Everyday Empowerment
Helen Brougham is a women’s Empowering Living Coach who specializes in guiding and inspiring Mums of all ages to reconnect with and take ownership of their most deeply cherished dreams and desires, so they can be happy, healthy, fulfilled and deeply connected to the people they love most - their families.
She gently assists women who are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted to finally release the trauma and emotional baggage they have been carrying for years, so they can heal and do whatever their hearts desire … including being the best Mum they can be for their children.
Helen’s 25 plus years working as a remedial and pregnancy massage therapist and extensive professional training as a certified life coach have uniquely equipped her to help her clients get positive, life-changing results quickly and easily.
Helen is Mum to 4, Grand Mum to 5, a natural therapies practitioner, author and avid traveler. She is passionate about empowering women around the world to grow through life's challenges with ease and grace. Her best-selling book,
"Empowering You & Your Family" offers a down to earth approach to Love, Peace and Joy for Mums everywhere.
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