Newborn Home From Hospital

by Helen

Baby and Mum
Coming home from hospital

Your very own newborn little baby, brand new, exciting, amazing, incredibly, now what is daunting experience. You may think you don’t know anything but you do. You were a baby and your Mum and Dad looked after you is an experience deep within yourself and intuition you do know. You may have held a baby and not thought much about it or not held a little baby before now, they are small and little like jelly.

Wrapping up a baby in a wrap (rug) holds baby more solidly.

Don’t feel you are the only one feeling like you do, all new parents are on the discovery of works and what does not anymore, that did not work, try something else, all experience their newborn at some stage during the first few weeks and over the months ahead as baby grows you get to know and understand your child. Your baby has been listening to you two talk inside for the last 9 months, Bubs understand what you are say, they just can’t tell you. Talk to bubs in a quiet voice like you talk to each other. Tell bubs what your doing and where you are going is the secret to them feeling safe and secure.

When you give bubs to someone tell bub who it is say “hi to grandma”  has bubs knowing what is going on.

Waking at night you are not use to and hormones changing, people wanting see you and baby in the first 1-3 weeks and staying too long 30 minutes can be very tiring and wanting everything to be perfect never happens. Let Dads be the gatekeeper for visitors for the first few weeks.

Baby cannot tell you what is happening and comes over time this knowing “One mum told me, her baby was crying and she was crying to so they cried together and she felt better for it”

Don’t think for a minute that what your mum or mum in law are out of date, after bring up 1,2,3,4,5 children and you would be too long ago and old fashioned.

Some newer technique have left parents feeling these new way while easy in the beginning have more problem later on. Or are dangerous (fitball bouncing to put baby of to sleep. When mum falls off ball with baby in arms)

Knowing a few little tips can make all the different in dealing with the early days of newborn

Here are 7 tips to enjoy your baby first few weeks.

1. Have a massage with the first 2 weeks of being home this release tension in your shoulders, releases fatigue of birth and relaxes the muscles that have been carrying while pregnant and now different muscle will be used to carry the capsule to putting into the car.

Neck looking forward and down at that beautiful face and shoulder and lower back. This also releases mind stress and fatigue. Mum that have massage are 90 % more calm, strong intuition and a knowing of what to do. Continue having massage 2-3 weeks apart does increase your energy and mind health

Where Empowering Coaching comes in not all births are text book cases and often the unknown comes in and  throws a hard curve ball at you that you did not see coming, you are still in shock, loss and anger/ upset this where I can help you, release this to return you to ease and grace in the mind and body. This pain NOT released does have a long last upset and trauma if left incomplete.

2. Lack sleep during the night mean for you to make your sleep up during the day, when your baby is sleeping. This where you stay in front and stay calm knowing mum. Lack of sleep is when you the small stuff gets big. Harder to sleep when you become over tired anxious, excited and nervous

3. Have family or friend stay while you sleep during the day while baby is asleep.

4. The art of breastfeeding is mastered over time, there is a lot of help in many areas to help you with what is happening for you both.  Ask ask ask older midwife’s, your Mum and mum in law have experience. Breastfeeding Lactation consultancy through the hospital are available.

Ask for help are the winners. Nothing worse than, it could have been better if you only ask.

5. Don’t have a house full of people watching you, have a private place when breastfeeding to be comfortable sitting and be relaxed.

6. Please listen to you husband/ partner, he is watching you and can see what you need first. He is your King and let him look after his Queen and baby. This is their areas of feeling part of the whole. Dad’s are in there right from the start and are enjoy every minute with their baby.

7. If your parents or husband parents are staying ask them to do cooking and cleaning. Add some dinner to the freezer at the end of the day, so you can concentrate on baby. Keep the home quiet and the TV low and mediation music.

Don’t get caught up in “what is the right or a wrong way”, of doing things there is no right or wrong way,

It is just a way, your way

Have your say:   Do you have any tips for the first few weeks with your newborn baby?

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