Beach the calm sounds on the water coming into shore
12 Positive WAYS & MOST effective
Calm DOWN from Stress
- Many don’t know about having a professional accredited Remedial massage, for an hour and following up with regular massage 1-2 a month a part after your first visit. Built up stress keeps building so to remove the overloading for the first few sessions.
- Meditation apps are fabulous for calming your mind to go of to sleep, a good way to start the day, regenerate your energy from lunch time, many feel sleepy after lunch, in many cultures, coming into fashion using meditation you get your second wind to keep going at work.
- Coaching it is really impossible this is how you can really step out of been stuck, as a coach someone who is not willing to opening up to what is happening for them knowing them can’t keep doing there old way is hard. You have to want this. You can see it on their face and around their eyes, they have been suffering so long, where to start, how to explain what has been happening, to even begin to tell the truth about how it is for you or for me to help you move through what has you stuck. Old story:”It is like pulling teeth impossible.” Sometimes it feels like you will judged, when we coach we are in your world, seeing your with your thoughts and feelings. Your agreement is to be open, coachable meaning do what we ask you to do no fight getting angry, we know it is big and talking about what is going on for you each part will gives you more freedom.
- Being in a quiet place– avoid making yourself over busy, is staying with in yourself (Meaning) less going out, listen to your self talk, it is not real, sit quietly with what just happened, it is the good time to get a coach session to unpack the situation.
- Talking with friends, have a look the whole conversation goes no where because they will talk about their issues and get more confusion is common with friends that are not coaches or counselor. Often friends can keep you stuck because they are stuck. This is when you don’t think you have time to stop thinking about that problem now that issue is stored in your muscles or in organs. Stay home listen to yourself.
- Making an appointment for a coaching session that day or next day to clear the issue now. That’s right many leave the issue to long and YES to be forgot and buried once again. These are old survival skills that are not helpful when it happens. I am respectful and in alignment for unconditional LOVE and HARMONY in FAMILIES bringing families home and together always is to anyone in your life, your partner, private or business, children, adult children, or friends. People will want to keep you small, undervalued you, gossiped, abused, call you names when they are not pleased with you, lied to and treated you badly, manipulate you to behave, give you the look when they disapprove of you because they say so. Many are fearfully of change because they can’t control you. They will not like it but you will be FREE. People that love you, LOVE YOU:-)))
The line is clear treat me well and with respect and I will treat you well and with respect.
You will return you to FULL POWER, if you want it and are prepared to live with REAL YOU, the Clarity you see, feel and know as YOU. This creates Powerful relationship that the boss, instead of firing you, they will promote you, talk to you about management and give you a pay rise without asking. If you chose 2 days a week or full time or go to permanent holiday is yours. - Many will want to including YOU, take you away to drink more wine, eat the block of chocolate, more and extreme exercise, eat more food, want more se.x to feel better, treat people badly, does not work for your freedom. It takes you further away.
- Read the other books on self help experience these issues and have tools to smooth transition out of upset.
- Change out of the clothes from work, have a shower, removes the negative energy of the day.
- Exercise 15 -30 minutes of exercise 2 time per weeks
- Food organic vegetables and grass fed meat and nuts.
- Water Is very important for clarity running the organs and wellness
Many issues come from other people, which has nothing to do with you, but what they do is get triggered in a situation, you are in with them at the time. In the past we get angry, avoid that person. Newly people are seeking support from a coach and mentor for the everyday issues.
Seek the help needing higher specialty level psychology or Doctor psychiatry to work through and resolve deep more complex issues in themselves so they will be triggered by anybody and any issue or situation and anyone feelings upset around them that comes up being uncomfortable. Alcoholism, trauma, war and other those issues see your Doctor first.
In constant upset and are making extra meaning on what a person says from their interruption, making up stories that are untrue with a wild creative story. “Don’t let the truth get in the road of a good story” even if it is an outright lie you made up. The narcissistic people don’t know the impact, they feel normal often is a learned behavior from what has happened by other people like that.
Clients are doing well and their friend will tell them they have a wonderful therapist shes really good she cheaper. They listen to their friend and goes and have one session and it is not what you needed so they stop their healing.
Stay with your healing practitioners
Just check in are you in balance yourself get your own assessment and have regular coaching session to keep yourself in a balance and in a happy place of Love, Peace and Joy for yourself.
If you feel you are having more upsets with other people are you being clear in your communication with other people.
Sometimes we hold back from being real, authentic with other people and wonder why they don’t know you or are you sensitive to your feels or they don’t get you, you are hiding out from being in that relationship, off course they are not going know you, (being straight) you are set up to be upset by them. That not fair on them or you.
The solution is clear, you want freedom from stress, upset, frustration and sadness. Join today…
at home or away, It’s up to you…..

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