Happy New Year 2016

by Helen

New Year 2016

Welcome in the New Year ~ Starts Now 2016
Completing 2015 has been an amazing year, we have seen thousands of lives change
And I appreciate you being a loyal client and for opening our emails!
For Trusting in us and our recommendation when we make them.
And for referring friends, family and colleagues to Chelsea Massage Clinic, we are in gratitude and appreciate having happy people around you.
It is becoming more common that to know our customers makes a huge different in overall health and well being.
As I follow where you are up to, is to shift any struggles you might be having quickly. Injuries from life travel is what makes life interesting.
Last year I traveled oversea to Paris, Los Angeles and to Sydney. I learn first hand how travel effects sleep, back and leg pain, shoulders and hip pain and the biggest one jet lag.
We are looking forward to continue and grow with the new awareness and understanding.
Sit down with your diary go through and highlight 2015
  • what you have achieved
  • what is there to do more of
  • where have you traveled 2015
  • if you could go back to the beginning 2015, what would you do more of,  what could you have done and does this still need to be done or not
  • what was the high light that stands out

    New Year's goals with gold color decorations. New Year’s goals are resolutions or promises that people make for the New Year to make their upcoming year better in some way.

    New Year’s goals with gold color decorations. New Year’s goals are resolutions or promises that people make for the New Year to make their upcoming year better in some way.

Now for 2016

  • what would you like to finish
  • what other projects would you like to do
  • which one do you wish to stop


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