The Healthy Body and Mind To Wellness for Gut Health…

Female patient is receiving Gut treatment by professional Helen & Lara Accredited Health Fund Massage therapist. Woman abdominal massage
- Many are suffering with bloating from something we just ate, nausea or followed by puffy stomach, pain or run the bathroom quick.
- Other are so tired and all they want to do go to sleep, it is like brain fog and they feel sedated by what they have eaten.,
- Research says 8o% people are suffering in some form of immunity and pronto infections cold and flu or the small amounts of the chemical in packaged food, they have eaten too many amounts of this food now have become the poison in the body.
Stress, anger and emotional upset are one of the biggest causes and the gut feels everything…
If this stress continues other areas are then involved in coping with continued cause slow down the stomach and all the organs.
For a start, our outer body will be affected by high levels of stress continued giving, working hard and the muscles go into spasms and sharp pain.
Society says PAIN IS GOOD, PUSH AND keep PUSHING. It does not happen in your 20’s and does not happen in your 30’s unless you have had an illness, operation, trauma, grief, emotional abuse or been bullied or you are the bully everything is filtered through the GUT.
Going into your 40’s society say work harder, work longer this when the Gut suffers.
- Lack of sleep for the brain to really relax and rest.
- Mind and brain Fatigue and pain
- Body Fatigue and pain
- Period pain
- Gut Fatigue and pain
- Nerve Fatigue and extremely sensitive to everything
The gym was designed to do in moderation but has become a way to keep going to get that feel good feeling in the mind relaxed and body fatigue and feel like your getting fitter more excited to do more and more THEN You exhausted or you become injured by repetition. It was never designed to use adrenal hormone as a happy dru.g to keep going till the adrenal Burn Out and injury.
Food has been changed, packets and quick food high in poison chemicals what shocked me was they may small amount of it in one packet but if all the food you eat is the ones that make our sick…
Yes, I found I was poisoning myself and I could not lose weight and much more…
Organs slowing down, constipation, diarrhea, can’t eat this can’t eat that, teary, joint pain, cramping, hot feel cold, no energy, fatigue and many more symptoms are all part of the upset of the Gut.
I have been eating them so are you we are poisoning ourselves, this is body way saying I can’t take it and we are not listening and all the pains, stress, anxiety, upset, can’t think straight and pain all over.
Working Too Hard The chasing the money up the ladder of Success, then there becomes a time when other areas of life that become the more important body and exhaustion and there are different levels to this exhaustion “Burn Out” system is failing. Everything is shutting down like turning off the car.
- Pain in the joints, muscles and aching all over, exhaustion going into the muscles
- Nervous system and pathway are on edge and restricted
- Mind and Heart the emotional level soothing out and get what is there to
- Gut and all other organs are becoming depleted of energy, can’t work
Gut Massage Or Treatment is done by highly skilled practitioners in freeing up the Gut, Body, Mind and Nervous system require a special type of massage to release toxic where the tension caused stagnate areas build up into corners of the bowel, through the liver all the muscles from chemical and packet food contraction and spasm muscle inside the gut.
Breaking up form scar tissues being restricted by operations years ago, deep scars that pull organs out of place, making less room for them to function well the tissue is restricted away from its original incision point of the operation was which causes the organs to function as they are designed to…
To regain your Wellness, the mind is relaxed, joint pain is gone… lower back, yes, I know what works now, I think clearly and feel so much better…
Call today to be relaxed, the Gut Massage treatment to feel good and to regain better health and well being. Not Sure, always see your Doctor first. We will be waiting when you are ready. No Pain great, you can still enjoy the body being relaxed and in a calm place.
Listen to Your Gut get some help today 83646088

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