Where do we learn to be careful around others, often our experiences tell us, what not to do again? When feelings get hurt and the words are upsetting, the next thought ends up going into negative victim mindset.
Over the last few months I have noticed talking with clients, they find it difficult when their own family know them by what has happened throughout your life experiences particularly the negative ones.
The mistakes that were made, the stress at that time was intolerable and you feel like a victim, stuck in all those feelings, so uncomfortable, how to make the choices that are right for you.
Others will make that choice for you, does not mean they are making best choice for you, this just one choice. Always look into the future to the outcome could look like, this is where you learn in life and sometimes make small change by the choices and being responsible as you go.
There are always variables and unknown issues, I called "left field", they comes from different directions and these experiences you look at as you go down the road of life, you can change them.
Being responsible for yourself is freedom clarity in your mind and a happy and relaxed behaviour. This is when others will hear and see you in a new way,this lets you know they finally understand you, because you understand yourself.
When each person can speak freely with compassion this is when you can listen without judgement that you can see a different point of view is easy, comfortable and open to clear communications. It works both ways!!
Others get angry at that person for hurting their feelings and lash out, this is being a victim of what others say. You can only be responsible for your communication.
Have you noticed when you get triggered by what someone says you feel upset and angry make the other person wrong. Each person has their own learning as each is very individual person and experiences this is how you learn and be open to enjoying life and the interesting people you are with.
There may be something you don’t like what I write about, you may delete my email and never return to this website.You may think Ok, I will look at that could that make a different for me where life does not work very well or be better and you will try that idea on.
I could easily not write another word in case I upset someone. I did have to get over that myself what if don't write well or miss spell a word. Now I enjoy write my blog and I be responsible with compassion. It is nice to share.
You may not have children of that age and it is not important to you. But as an adult, what I write may help you with you Dad, in your work life or with your sister that you don’t get along with anymore and how could you bring a loving relationships back into your family.
When you are responsible for everything that happens to you, ideas will come to you that will help you, it will be your own thoughts and your words and with being responsible you know all those feeling, a yearning to make a different in your own way.
Where can you see, you can make a different in your life with others and bring family leadership in 2012 to your family?
The Empowering your family is wanting you to come and join us, start sharing on facebook. What are you needing to change in yourself. What do you need to give about another person? This is a new experience for me and I would enjoy your comments…..
See you soon

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