(It Could Be Like This!) Chapter 12 The Stay At Home Dad – Cooking & Cleaning Are Part Of The Job One thing I am always impressed with is when a couple and their children step out of the old traditional ways to a newer way and do what works for them. One Dad I […]

Past generations of Dads had to stay outside and walk the floor during the birth of their children. Now, thank goodness, they are part of the birthing team supporting their wives during her labour. Back in time, Dads were the ones out there every day making enough money to support the home and […]

How to Help Parents With Children and Divorce by Helen Brougham When parents get together in a loving relationship it is for better and worse sickness and in health married or not there are unspoken RULES of being with another person and creating children. Life is flowing, excitement of children come along and you become […]

Children Need To Be Included On The Day Of The Funeral by Helen Brougham In the past children were kept away from attending funerals and were not told what was going on. The only problem with this is most children suffered from grief and the loss of the someone special. Years later the memories […]

Empowering Your family may feel like it could be a lot of hard work!! I'm here to give you peace of mind. What I have come to know is that when our children are doing what they do, parents think the child is some how being naughty, wanting attention or is on bad behavior. Yesterday […]