Rejection is a common issue, you can -you can’t for individuals, deliberately excluded from a social and personal relationship, this behavior is causing a huge stress and anxiety to everyday people. You are doing it to people (friends, family and at work) people are do it to you. It is about being hurtful and […]

PART 2. At different times we all do play on one or both sides one side is not doing what you are communicating with people, and the other side is the paying person, being disappointed and feel let down for what is not being done as they were going to do for the paying person. […]

Mixed Feelings Ups and Downs Last Months At School. By the time your child gets to Year 11 and Year 12 here comes the time, study and lots of learning, stress from so such a full years to get it right and do your best because it counts toward career in the future. Mum and […]

Your Child's Behaviour Has Changed … by Helen Brougham Something is happening that does not make sense … Your child is getting into trouble and you can't work out why. Yes you know he has his ways but on a whole your child is a good person. He doing all these things to get attention, […]

Empowering Your family may feel like it could be a lot of hard work!! I'm here to give you peace of mind. What I have come to know is that when our children are doing what they do, parents think the child is some how being naughty, wanting attention or is on bad behavior. Yesterday […]