Past generations had a set way it had to go to be a Dad. A man was boo-hooed if he looked after his own child. People said alot of things about that man being under his wife's thumb. Even today, alot of men are taught that they have to control their emotions … especially emotions […]

Your Child's Behaviour Has Changed … by Helen Brougham Something is happening that does not make sense … Your child is getting into trouble and you can't work out why. Yes you know he has his ways but on a whole your child is a good person. He doing all these things to get attention, […]

How to Help Parents With Children and Divorce by Helen Brougham When parents get together in a loving relationship it is for better and worse sickness and in health married or not there are unspoken RULES of being with another person and creating children. Life is flowing, excitement of children come along and you become […]

During Pregnancy Parents Are Fearful by Helen Brougham Concerns about • Will my baby be healthy? • Will my baby be a good at sleeping? • Will my baby be a happy baby? • Will my baby be easy going baby? These are serious questions and you will only know when your baby […]

Quit Bouncing – Listen To Your Child by Helen Brougham A child comes to their parents when they don't know what to do. But how you act while your child is talking to you is so important to any future conversation. Listen, do not interrupt your child talking be patient Keep your cool, no matter […]

We lost our money I don't trust myself or anybody else… all that hard work The shock of doing the right thing, trying to get ahead … to have it all turn sour … You become sad, are in total disbelief, frustrated, angry. You are feeling a sense of grief and loss. You feel betrayed […]

Living With Grief- Part 4. How To Help Those Suffering From Grief We have talked about living with grief Part 1 Family Part 2 Children Part 3 Parents Now Living with Grief Part 4. How to help those suffering from grief What if there was a whole other way to be around Grief At the […]

Living With Grief – Parents Dealing With Your Own Grief Two Hearts Staying Connected by Helen Brougham Living with grief can show up in many different ways. Many different kinds of unidentifiable feelings show up and this can be a big problem. Many times it can feel like an endless journey into the unknown […]

How do you attract what you want for your ideal job? from last blog talked about staying positive and ways to do that. As children growing up you just don't get what you wanted all the time but as an adult you are the creator of what you want and getting it. The job […]

I know how you feel, I felt that sinking feeling, I found that when life changes, It can appear to be TOO BIG… When you just know there is a lot going on out there and you may not be able to change out there, don't get caught up in what going on. If you […]

The path way to Happiness When people, you and life are confusing, what can you do get clarity and change the outcome? Go back to when you start to realize that life did not need to be so hard and so confusing and in upset mode all the time and you started searching for peace […]

Look for Happy or Sad Emotions To control your mind and emotions Our emotions can be wonderful to feel joy, happy and to feel all the other emotions too like sad and alone What are they these feelings that come up from within us and why are they attached to our thoughts and the way […]