This is for everyone who is happily married, over 50, and ready to finally have some fun!! There is a big difference between working to live and living to work! And if you are anything like me and my husband, sometimes the line got a little blurry when we were just starting out and […]

Being At Home – Caring and Parenting Together Baby Makes Three When this special time turns into Grief and you did not get the dream We are here to help you Mum & Dad through these times.

Myths & The Truth What's The RIGHT kind of Pregnancy Massage Beauty massage are lovely BUT not for Pregnancy Where Fatigue, Stress, Emotional upset, Aches and pain persist See Chelsea Massage Practitioners Pregnancy Massage, Late in Pregnancy is a must for Wellness and Health We lay You on Your side with comfortable support pillows during […]

Chelsea Massage Clinic front window See part 2 Coming Soon of Late Pregnancy, Giving Birth & Being at Home

Everyone Deserves To Be Pampered … Mother's Day Massage Package Specials Available Until May 31, 2013 🙂 Give your Mum or another really special person in your life a gift that shows just how much you appreciate all of the wonderful things they for you all year long … a Gift Certificate for one of […]

I can't think of too many things that are more enjoyable than spending Mother's Day having a fabulous barbecue on the patio with my family! I know that we all look forward to taking advantage of as many of these early autumn weekends as possible. Hopefully our good weather in Adelaide will hold through […]

Pregnancy is a fun time! Many hear about mums-to-be being sick and having a hard time, but I’m here to tell you some great news … it does not need to be that way. I am seeing more and more women that are pregnant and are taking on being enough … strong enough, well enough, […]

It's just about that time of the year for the children to go back to school. Here is a quick checklist to help Mums get organized and get back on track! Time to go shopping and get all of the school supplies: Make list of what each child needs If your child is starting school […]

Desy and I have been married for 35 years!!! Sunday afternoon I made a comment to Desy about it being 35 years on Monday that we got married in Cleve. I was the fifth generation in my family to get married in that lovely little church and it REALLY doesn't seem to be […]

Our hearts are filled with gratitude! We've just returned back to the city from a wonderful holiday in the country!! My family and I take the last two weeks of the year to rest, recharge, reconnect and get really clear about our goals for the upcoming year. 2012 was filled with unprecedented growth and […]

When you give a massage gift voucher, it's a really nice thing to do! When the person comes in they are excited, yet a little nervous. This is normal for us all, but they know they are in good hands because you come here too, so it's like you said, "This is the place […]

When you find your muscles feeling heavy and it’s difficult to walk up stairs, different groups of people will tell you to build your core strength, do more stretching or exercise, or more pilates. Have you noticed that it is not really making the difference you want it to? While others will say do more, […]

Women from all walks of life, especially those in professional fields, such as Law and Medicine, work long, demanding hours and find that those long hours cause constant strain and exhaustion as their pregnancy advances to the last stages. They simply get so busy and stressed that it’s easy to disconnect or fight the changes […]