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Looking back over the last 12 months, ask yourself, “What worked, What didn’t, What’s next?” This is a good way to celebrate your wins and achievements, and to be grateful for the lessons you learned from the things that didn’t work out so well. It’s really important to remember to give thanks for EVERYTHING in […]

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It's just about that time of the year for the children to go back to school. Here is a quick checklist to help Mums get organized and get back on track! Time to go shopping and get all of the school supplies: Make list of what each child needs If your child is starting school […]

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Desy and I have been married for 35 years!!! Sunday afternoon I made a comment to Desy about it being 35 years on Monday that we got married in Cleve. I was the fifth generation in my family to get married in that lovely little church and it REALLY doesn't seem to be […]

Our hearts are filled with gratitude! We've just returned back to the city from a wonderful holiday in the country!! My family and I take the last two weeks of the year to rest, recharge, reconnect and get really clear about our goals for the upcoming year. 2012 was filled with unprecedented growth and […]

When you find your muscles feeling heavy and it’s difficult to walk up stairs, different groups of people will tell you to build your core strength, do more stretching or exercise, or more pilates. Have you noticed that it is not really making the difference you want it to? While others will say do more, […]

There are many levels of grief and each is as unique as the person experiencing it. The way we cope with the loss of the people we love and adore is completely individual and often misunderstood. In the new book I am currently writing, we will cover the many aspects of grief in great […]

(new book coming out) As A Family Man Your Sister-In-Law and Brother-In-Law Relationships Are Like A Brother and Sister Relationship Integrity is doing what you said you would do and doing that creates the relationships you have in life Dad creates how it is going to be in his life. With […]

It's Helen's Birthday … Come Join The Celebration!! It's my birthday week and I want to celebrate with everyone 🙂 I got a FABULOUS birthday pressie earlier this week when I heard that "Empowering You & Your Family" is on the shelves at Dymock's Bookstore in Adelaide – right next to Jack Canfield and Louise […]

Past generations of Dads had to stay outside and walk the floor during the birth of their children. Now, thank goodness, they are part of the birthing team supporting their wives during her labour. Back in time, Dads were the ones out there every day making enough money to support the home and […]

Be Aware Of The Behaviour Of Your Children! They are copying your own behaviour and you would be surprised how grown up they really are! Give yourself and children the gift of some coaching and massage time together so that you can shift what you don’t like about what your children are doing. It is […]

Almost everyone will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain runs the gamut from mildly annoying to severely incapacitating. It can be a short-lived single occurrence or a long-lasting chronic affliction. Regardless of what causes it, back pain can make many everyday activities difficult, if not impossible to do. You […]

Past generations had a set way it had to go to be a Dad. A man was boo-hooed if he looked after his own child. People said alot of things about that man being under his wife's thumb. Even today, alot of men are taught that they have to control their emotions … especially emotions […]

I truly believe with every fibre of my being that we can change our reality in an instant by simply changing the way we think and feel about things. When you change your state of mind, you literally change your life! What Happens When You Combine Massage and Empowerment Coaching? A client sent […]