Are you feeling a little like this? The voice is loud fearful and Confused Is it safe or will you fail? Where am I? Walking blind can lead to sabotaging your success Your life is like watching TV 1. The little voice in your head that talks all day Plays like a movie in […]

Remember Who You Are – Be Yourself Is Easy It is a profound thought to think you would want to be like someone else. you admired what they have created and how can I do the same. You want to be inspiring to create your own uniqueness and enjoy your life with the ones you […]

12 Positive WAYS & MOST effective Calm DOWN from Stress Many don’t know about having a professional accredited Remedial massage, for an hour and following up with regular massage 1-2 a month a part after your first visit. Built up stress keeps building so to remove the overloading for the first few sessions. Meditation apps […]

Being unconscious to the impact on others If you work for someones else’s business “How to stop being over looked and forgotten? “I know it is easier to be quiet” “when you do stand up, nobody likes it” keep going no matter what Stop hiding out. Do you know “How to have an empowering […]

Are you a woman 55 + years young or are you just feeling older? Have all the children have left home to do their own thing? Are you looking for an easier life instead of more hard work and doing extra work in your job to have a little extra $$$ coming in every month? You’ve been asking […]

Rejection is a common issue, you can -you can’t for individuals, deliberately excluded from a social and personal relationship, this behavior is causing a huge stress and anxiety to everyday people. You are doing it to people (friends, family and at work) people are do it to you. It is about being hurtful and […]

Are you always feeling like your behind? could be, you are hiding out because of your fears, regret and sadness How to Catch UP – it is like being at work in a job; working harder, longer hours, no breaks and keep pushing forward then there is more to do. It also is a form of […]

Are you looking to find a job you love that suites you? Every where we look people jobs are changing, you know of someone that loss their job and they are fully qualified, now, unemployed, now searching to find a job. One Man said, I thought I would find a job quick and easily […]

PART 2. At different times we all do play on one or both sides one side is not doing what you are communicating with people, and the other side is the paying person, being disappointed and feel let down for what is not being done as they were going to do for the paying person. […]

Managing Conflict Success in a Win Win in any situation Do you notice when you have not got the lesson, the same issue comes up harder and better than the last time For me I have a lesson at the moment that I would like to share with you all, please use what I talk […]

Baby Blue’s are a range of emotions from all the new Mum despairs of “it’s not like the book” for breastfeeding and feeling like you are failing, to being still in recovery yourself, to “it’s too hard”, to “why am I still in pain”, to your hormones still being all over the place, to feeling […]

Today’s TED Talk: Is trust really on the decline? And do we really need more of it? Baroness Onora O’Neill on the rather misunderstood concept of trust. Ted.com With all the issue of watching the News, TV, in the Papers and in daily life we see where people just don’t care for others. There is […]

Great news for our family We have Three grandchildren Luke 9, Jennah 7, Jani 3 This year in July our Son and his wife had little second little boy called Koa and 10 days ago my daughter and hubby had a little girl called Madeline. All are well and growing. It is a wonderful […]