Intro: Message from Helen Quick Tip: Are You Getting Ready to Travel? Feature Article: Are You Feeling Tired and In Pain?
Message From Helen
Hi, Is getting sick or getting an injury always a concern, in the back of your mind while you are away on holidays? Being relaxed and pain free is always better than feeling unwell when it’s time to get on the plane. I was travelling to Melbourne over the weekend and I forgot how heavy the bags are. Lifting and shifting bags around was very tiring along with the long walks through the airports. You know that man that keeps the flow of traffic in the area for pick up and leaving the airport? Well, as my daughter came to pick me up, the traffic man came up and said, “Can I do that for you?” “I said yes, thank you!” That was so nice and helpful! As always, we are here to help you to feel strong and confident by providing remedial massage before you pack your bags so you can be the best you can be and have a great time while away!
Quick Tips
Are You Getting Ready to Travel? Helen Tip #45: When you are coming down with something and feel unwell, especially with some of the colds going around, don’t go and do exercise. Being unwell means your body is fatigued and needs time out from a heavy work time; overloading of stress can cause a loss in time with the family. Let your body catch up. Massage is out when you’re in the middle of a cold. Regular massage keeps your wellbeing up and your energy flowing. Lara Tip #21: Before travelling, many clients have a few remedial massages to release the tight and fatigued muscles, allowing you to walk and lift heavy objects easily and feel comfortable while you are away.
Feature Article
Are You Feeling Tired and In Pain? When you find your muscles feeling heavy and it’s difficult to walk up stairs, different groups of people will tell you to build your core strength, do more stretching or exercise, or more pilates. Have you noticed that it is not really making the difference you want it to? While others will say do more, push your body, you are becoming more injured and will eventually have to stop all exercise. Everyone has an answer, but nothing is helping your body. Here at Chelsea Massage we do make a difference! We may be a bit more expensive, but at least you know you’re doing it the right way. It is your muscles that are getting tight. I had a mum bring a 15 year old son to see me. She had taken her son to doctors, sport professionals, and everywhere else she could think of. She was very stressed because her son, who could not stand up straight, because one shoulder had dropped while his chin was pushed forward. After having x-rays and being probed and poked, they said he needed surgery or a brace to fix the problem. The doctors said he had a bad case of scoliosis. He was having headaches and neck pain, and in the morning his bed was a mess from his tossing and turning all night. Her son had four massages with us. After a massage each week, there was a great improvement and he was standing up straight and walking with ease. Now he is aware of how to play soccer and now he knows that a soccer ball hitting his head was causing a huge strain on his muscles, which made his muscles lock up. Now mum is happy! They saw the main surgeon again and they have told him he does not have scoliosis. The spine lined up when I unlocked all the muscles which were holding the muscles tight, and pulling down on them loosens them up and strength returns to the muscles.
Pregnancy Massage Many are unaware of the benefits of massage right from early pregnancy through to the day you go to the hospital. Women are working much longer, full time, up to a week or two before the due date. The ideal way is to keep the level of stress, pain and fatigue low through Remedial Massage. We specialise in helping you enjoy, and even love, being pregnant and it is easy to achieve long term benefits for baby’s sleeping. This is managed easily with down to earth principles. Also your recovery time after childbirth is decreased greatly, and with ongoing massages after you come home, even the feared baby problems that everybody talks about will be easier. We knew of one couple who were having their little one sleeping well, but their friends who had a 5 month old child were not having it so easy. They kept saying, “Oh it could get bad, we have to be ready when that comes…” NO, that is not how it works! Always be ready for changes but don’t expect your time to be like someone else’s. If baby being at home is going well, often it’s because the parents are relaxed, loving, connected with their surroundings and peaceful knowing you are doing well. Would you like to use this article on your website or in your ezine? You are free to reproduce the text, as long as the information below stays intact. About The Author: Helen Brougham Helen Brougham has been professionally massaging clients for over 18 years. She has a holistic approach to therapeutic massage, using her coaching expertise to teach people how to successfully make changes in their health and personal lives. Her passion is massaging and teaching Mums how to de-stress their children using the same massage techniques she uses in her Chelsea Massage clinic. Practitioner: Lara Brougham Lara has been professionally massaging for 10 years. She specialises in ankle and shoulder injuries as well as healing clients with back pain. Even the oldest and most put up with problems, Lara makes a huge amount of difference for clients so they can sleep at night and start enjoying life again.
Helen Recommends
Looking After Your Body with Massage Your mission is to contact us to schedule your remedial massage appointment at Chelsea Massage. Get rid of all the tightness and muscle pains in your neck, hip, shoulder back, ankles, and many other places. Those niggles at the gym won’t get better by doing more stretching. You may have you noticed that you need a massage to loosen up the fibres in your muscles so the muscles will stretch instead of tear. Take advantage of our great deal and keep your body and spirit happy. Just come and have your massage once a month for 12 months – it will only cost $1320 to stay happy, relaxed and pain-free. This equals a reduction in pain and suffering long term.
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