Australia Day 2015 Australia Day weekend and to share with you Murray Bridge River Cruise on A Paddle boat up the river as part of our 37th Wedding Anniversary My Husband Des and I went out of the city to celebrate our Anniversary & Australia Day Captain Proud Paddle Boat Murray River people on the […]

Married 37 years Des is still, after 37 years, lovely to be with and as handsome of a Man today as he was when I first met him. When I meet Des for the first time 42 years ago at a dance, it was ladies choice. On our wedding day when I saw Des up […]

Happy New Year 2015 Our team is on the phone they are with us 24/7 to make appointments As it very special be with you when you are with us in our room and that why I have put in place this service so you can call any times to receive assistance by a real […]