Almost everyone will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain runs the gamut from mildly annoying to severely incapacitating. It can be a short-lived single occurrence or a long-lasting chronic affliction. Regardless of what causes it, back pain can make many everyday activities difficult, if not impossible to do. You […]

Support us in reaching best-seller status on Amazon! This is a one day only event, August 28, 2012. Speaking Your Truth, Vol 3, Courageous Stories From Inspiring Women

It's time to ignite the passion for future generations of women and girls to achieve their ambitions, both personal and professional ~ Gail Kelly, CEO The Power of 100 100 International Women Share Powerful Stories Of How To Stay Focused On Your Dreams Dear overwhelmed 21st century woman, wife AND Mum … […]

Past generations had a set way it had to go to be a Dad. A man was boo-hooed if he looked after his own child. People said alot of things about that man being under his wife's thumb. Even today, alot of men are taught that they have to control their emotions … especially emotions […]