I truly believe with every fibre of my being that we can change our reality in an instant by simply changing the way we think and feel about things. When you change your state of mind, you literally change your life! What Happens When You Combine Massage and Empowerment Coaching? A client sent […]

It's winter time in Adelaide right now!! And alot of folks are bundling up to try and stay warm. The problem is that people are noticing that they FEEL COLDER this year than they have in the past. Is the weather actually colder this year than it has been in past years? Or, could […]

Mum, Massage and Mentoring Mums all want to be happy, be a good mum, have a good time, live with no pressure … really just enjoy an easy going life! It makes things better for everyone in the family! Your children find it easy to love you, appreciate you. They WANT to be with you. […]