The path way to Happiness When people, you and life are confusing, what can you do get clarity and change the outcome? Go back to when you start to realize that life did not need to be so hard and so confusing and in upset mode all the time and you started searching for peace […]

Look for Happy or Sad Emotions To control your mind and emotions Our emotions can be wonderful to feel joy, happy and to feel all the other emotions too like sad and alone What are they these feelings that come up from within us and why are they attached to our thoughts and the way […]

Open communication that flows, we all have a different points of view about life When empowering yourself, being open, be ready to listen to each person you meet they all have their own experience through out their life and their own different point of view to you. It is not wrong or right——- each person […]

Stop Struggling, Empowering yourself first gets the dream Empowering yourself first can real easy if you are you having a great day or an average day but days where you struggling all the time is so frustrating? This happens to all of us. One thing that comes from struggling is you know it is […]

Where do we learn to be careful around others, often our experiences tell us, what not to do again? When feelings get hurt and the words are upsetting, the next thought ends up going into negative victim mindset. Over the last few months I have noticed talking with clients, they find it difficult when their […]