Please stop fighting! Children learning how to shut down, little girl covering ear with hands while her parents shouting at each other in the background
Being unconscious to the impact on others
If you work for someones else’s business
“How to stop being over looked and forgotten?
“I know it is easier to be quiet”
“when you do stand up, nobody likes it”
keep going no matter what
Stop hiding out.
Do you know “How to have an empowering and loving life?
“How can you be the best employee, and be acknowledge for
what you are contributing to the business.”
First You must STOP!
How do I stop hiding out?
Start coming up with details, the best way is to talk about your subject with other peers, reading articles of your area or a similar area to give you ideas as this open you new ideas in your mind. It is exciting to work with people that have similar interests and when you are open to sharing this connection brings feel like your being heard and even appreciated for what you are saying.
Having my own business, the more I worked on my issues, what I thought was my problem, nothing made any real change, going for walks, listen to mediation, talking to a friend, doing yoga, going to bed early, have a massage, was lovely on the muscles but the feeling stayed, traditional therapies medical model, nothing shifted in my business, family and in myself, I was not happy and playful, I felt stuck, struggling and where to go next.
I did not realizing for myself until my coach shared with me, what she could see, I could not see for myself and I real appreciated her input so I could move forward and out of being playing small, staying in the back ground even in photos and not being seen, it was my Life and business Coach and Mentor with her unique coaching that I had my breakthrough.
I realized that I had been showing up small and what happened, I felt shut down and had been concerned why my empowering energy has so low. An Issue I had a person that yelled at me, she would not talk, she avoided me, it was awful and very uncomfortable, somehow could not find my voice. Looking back over the last few years, I can see she has been a bully.
I thoughts was to keeping the peace, not make it unpleasant situation for others and upsetting the day. The day came when enough was enough and said how I felt. What I said, did not coming from an angry place but from an empowering place of this can not continue, this is when….
I felt a new calm, I felt strong and courageous, I felt the empowering confident, my voice was clear,
then I could say
“no more”.
You may ask, Why do these people have negative behavior? They are on their own survival from an issues that has hurt them in their past, no one supported them. They are in fear and don’t feel safe so they come out fighting with the world. This way it keeps themselves separate, people are fearful around them and they are the school bullies, we all had them at school and at work.
Negative behaviors do impact on you and everybody else
when you blame others this is a sign – needing help
IF you feel like this is happening to you
“it is a learned behavior”
“don’t feel you are alone”
It feel like everything goes wrong for you!
There are times when we all upset someone
The first step is your awareness that you have this negative behavior
we all have it, and I can help you
Keep in your thoughts what brings harmony, peace, love and connection.
From that moment I felt calmness, a peace of mind, I felt a sense of freedom the heaviness had lifted and over that next week, my business, my communications, the way I held myself I felt relaxed and at ease. The phone was ringing of the hook and more appointments were put in the diary.
I am sleeping better, I felt happier in myself and powerlessness turned into the power that so special. There are people that are in negative behavior so my caring thought could not take this abuse anymore and to say No to being treated badly and look after myself first.
Have a look for yourself, for where you been held back in your life, where you could not be yourself, negative behavior in people that you are putting up with an issue. Click Here
All programs are focused for what you need
***What can stop me is being perfect and getting it right, coaching, in writing, blogging, magazine and newsletters. I love writing and sharing how to find you and happiness. I appreciate your kindness, openness and generosity to let me do this freely. To be free to live and give from a place love, peace, joy in life every day. This is me Helen

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