How to go from where YOU were in a Relationship to what just happened, shock,
to working through what has happened to moving forward.
Relationship Break Up happen all the time from children playing at school, friendships, partnership in business, to finding a life long relationship, getting married and having children.
Romantic Relationships
Today we going to be talking Romantic relationships each one of us has a dream on how we hope our life will go and live into a dream to the future of career, marriage, children, home and holidays. Parents on both side, extended family, friends and place places you go together.
There are the relationships that don’t go anywhere on first time they meet. then there are talking to the other person and a man will see a girls “she is the one” or a girl will say “he the one” or going on a date or just meeting there is a magic between 2 people that happens and it does happens on first date or over time like you meet at a dance, play a sports game and the endless ways that bring people together or through friends get 2 people together. Meeting people is what it is all about, what you have in common, the similar up bringing, your values, your interests, your experiences and who you are becoming and the positive.
Then there are the relationships over time can be disempowering and not allowing you to be who you are and they want you to be their way, only dress this way and you can feel shut down.
Of course we are all so individual about what that will look like we talk and share with the person what it looks like, what they want out of life, creating agreements with who we are and what we would like, slowly we are falling in love and we want to be with this person.
This relationship grows over time and you go on to getting married have children, travel, have a careers, support each other in all you do together. Communication is the key to continue to explore life over time this is how we continue to grow together.
Regular spent time talking about your life, your dreams and hope in the future. Then the other person can become even more connecting with each other be on the same page.
The Biggest Support is in hardship in family is Death in a family, job change or loss, loss of your best friend (partner) parent grandparent or sibling we always have in mind that you will get through grief, trauma, shock, injuiry and abundance and the good time not allowing it to go to your head and stay humble, what is happening no matter what and have in place early in your life how to support each other, have set in place to always be there, listen and support each other no matter what, will always get you through.
Relationships do fall apart and are not on the same page, can be a behavior that does not feel in alignment with you and not to waste each other time if it don’t feel compatible
- Share when an issue comes up the first time, talk about it with the other person and about the situation.
- Be kind to the other person have a conversation face to face, yes of course they be upset.
- When person gets quieter spending more time on their mobile or devise when you are in there in front of them it does mean avoiding conversation but still ask the question.
- The only problem is not asking questions is that they will be wrong from that moment them put it in their head and in their eyes [but did you ask the question-what did you mean by what you said] human natural is we work harder and better to please the other person and it is so easy to bend over so far that the other person does nothing to be with you anymore and leave very little in a relationship.
- It can feel smothering to these people that are meaning making machines, they pull away even more saying nothing but in fact the other person has no idea they just want to make them happy because they love them so much.
- Why is that, they never see it coming and it is such a shock.
It is like make a mistake in a new job and getting sacked on the spot. It is like not being able to do it another way was so simple to change. - What was the moment that person made the decided because they make a decision about what the loving person is saying or do then you go looking for evident that you ARE right without letting THE OTHER PERSON KNOW your disappointed.*Look at their parents how they love to be with each other, a child will natural want a togetherness relationship to being with each other. If your family is the opposite and being separate most of the time alone being on your own separate all the time then will not work because their family loves to be together and yours are separate and alone.
Then comes the separation of a relationship and look at doing it differently to avoid going downward spiral that seem to be the old normal where it could take some years or never recover from relationship Break UP which is not very healthy There are some OLD world ways many will give you advise on but would be wise to choice a NEW NORMAL but lets explore the old first and I sure you have many more you can add to the list of gone for DOWN THE HOLE OF DESPAIR
People will say”
- Get Alcohol and get drunk
- Take the week off from work
- Stay in bed with the bed cover, over your head
- You should get even and get everything
- Spread roams and gossip
- This the OLD way where everybody
- Life can look up side down and going every direction
What if this is the year of the New NORMAL, new experience, a new way of living your life with new thoughts and new dreams that have you access to learning new areas about yourself, about people and about living your true life and loving life.
WHEN BREAK UP HAPPENS..It is about getting yourself settled where you are going to be.
For the SIX Month and beyond you will be triggered by where you went and what you did.
- How and why you were there and everything you did. You will sad and it is OK you feel sad and be sad.
- You will drive back to the place where you were
- You will drive down pass the house because you started and finished at that place
- Makes sure before leaving for the last time, check that you have your belonging from each cupboard and room
- What did I do wrong, not good enough and many others are self wrong stories are not the truth
- Don’t make a decision for 3 months about money, selling any your jewellery as our worst decision are done when we are upset.
- You will realize how things were really as you look back on over your time.
- Often we have bent over in helping and being their for them, there is none of your life, you were in their life.
- The behavior you will see as we make it mean something different to what it really is.
- As you see these different things as what they really are and why we did that, then it is not about getting angry but get knowing as your awareness will get stronger.
- Yes, friends will choose, Then you have true friends. Friends chose if you make them chose and be uncomfortable. Those real friends will be around you as you fill your time up with those thing you forgot you loved and add new ones but these are for you.
- There may be conversation that you will not want to talk about anymore or things you were doing that don’t need to continue from this time on. Add new conversations about for you
- Clear old cloths out you have not worn for a long time.
- Put a different art work up on the wall or on the floor, buy new sheets and pillows and wash all rugs using a new washing powder.
- Necklace that were a present find themselves in a box in exchange for a new ones
The New Normal
Yes, having life coaching as you move through this time is a way to keep moving forward, This NEW NORMAL is about seeing what happened, feeling the sadness, be loving to yourself and protect your heart with love. If you are upset for more than 1 hours about any situation your going down the hole of feel awful for longer and there is nothing down there except darkness. You can feel how your feeling and this empowering coaching keep you moving forward. Gone of old ways of suffering for years and not processing how you feel about each issue. At this point Keep your Family and friends close to you.
WHAT I FIND WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS they try to be helpful and supportive and say the right things and sometimes they don’t and we would not be without any one of your family and friends. FAMILY
“This happened to one of my Clients Daughter, as she went through this with her partners of 5 years. As a parent it is so sad because the parent fall in love with their partner and create a family relationship too. Looking back over the time her daughter could see parts that she had just thought he get around to it, soon the conversation was not talked about openly and their was a lot of presuming.
Hints are undelivered communication expecting the other person to figure it out without saying and creating what they were going to do, when they got engaged who would they tell first,it leads to them not getting it. Communication and sharing what you like.”
How many time have you seen couples in a jewellery shop looking at rings and necklaces, this also includes her girlfriends, know what they love to check out what each other likes?
What I am talking about is really very different about the opposite of what most know and do. Many women can’t put into words what I do, but Pay me well to sky rocket out to their FREEDOM, UNDERSTANDING, SUCCESS and CLARITY and this knowing takes each person on their journey of understanding being empowered in each moment of any decision that comes up for THEM.
Like Them, and want to clear what has been holding them down and often they say and constant complaining about an issue, a person, a decision you made that failed and it on your Mind everyday and you tell everybody about this and going around in circles upset, frustrated, sad, annoyed anger, name calling, and even STOPPED talking kindly or not at all. Only you can not see how to shift what is going on because you only listen for the wrongness of what they do and judge they are wrong while you are right.
Like they know taking immediate action that leaves you confident, clarity NEVER felt before, YOU intuitively KNOW what to do next powerfully and the path opens up, everything falls into place and with powerful and amazing results.
How do I know Clients are doing it!!
They are out there doing it!
Do You Want Your Confident, Power and Intuition Switched ON
Time to STOP COMPLAINING and have Coaching Conversation that Empowers and Inspire YOU

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