“They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We shall remember them” Today we celebrate ANZAC DAY… done differently… probably Australia’s most important national occasion. It marks the anniversary of the […]

You can start your journal today. Morning Journaling WHAT IS IT? Morning journal is a way of opening your day to start in a way that sets you up for the day. Yes these days before the mobile, Facebook, emails had taken the place of a good morning Priority is to go outside ourselves […]

The Healing Power of Myofascial Cupping here in Adelaide Remedial Massage Practitioner used this treatment for deep healing within the muscles, right down to cellular level. Who is this treatment best on? Remedial massage and Myofascial Cupping work on athlete and physical hard work with the hands, office people, people on their feet are benefiting […]

Welcome in the New Year ~ Starts Now 2016 Completing 2015 has been an amazing year, we have seen thousands of lives change And I appreciate you being a loyal client and for opening our emails! For Trusting in us and our recommendation when we make them. And for referring friends, family and colleagues to […]

I have been to Paris. The Eiffel Tower just to touch this almighty structure is truly beautiful, with the oldest buildings looking so new in Paris, Australia is a young country. Old ways like being at school, do you remember getting punished for something someone else started doing to you first, nothing ever happened to […]

How to go from where YOU were in a Relationship to what just happened, shock, to working through what has happened to moving forward. Relationship Break Up happen all the time from children playing at school, friendships, partnership in business, to finding a life long relationship, getting married and having children. Romantic Relationships Today we […]

Create the Woman, You want to BE Love who you are Becoming One thing through out TIME from the beginning You Are ALWAYS Learning no matter what you DO From being born to talking, walking and learning eat by ourselves, we had to watch someone to show us the way. No DIFFERENT is it than […]

Are you a woman 55 + years young or are you just feeling older? Have all the children have left home to do their own thing? Are you looking for an easier life instead of more hard work and doing extra work in your job to have a little extra $$$ coming in every month? You’ve been asking […]

Being in a Relationship with Peer group program This being in group can bring you back to the good and bad times at school It is interesting how we act around people and how they act around us. The feelings that comes up and how this person you would not talk to and which category […]

Australia Day 2015 Australia Day weekend and to share with you Murray Bridge River Cruise on A Paddle boat up the river as part of our 37th Wedding Anniversary My Husband Des and I went out of the city to celebrate our Anniversary & Australia Day Captain Proud Paddle Boat Murray River people on the […]

Married 37 years Des is still, after 37 years, lovely to be with and as handsome of a Man today as he was when I first met him. When I meet Des for the first time 42 years ago at a dance, it was ladies choice. On our wedding day when I saw Des up […]

Happy New Year 2015 Our team is on the phone they are with us 24/7 to make appointments As it very special be with you when you are with us in our room and that why I have put in place this service so you can call any times to receive assistance by a real […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015 Between Christmas and the New Year there is a week, where we can look at 2014, What we have done and what is not finished and what we can tweak and create whats next, going into 2015 see into month by month, what you could do and where […]