How to Live Stress – Free Abundant Life
By Lowering Pain Pressure & Noise
Burn Out To Wellness
The commitment to living a happy, loving and enjoyable life is a journey of experiences. Then life can change very quickly that we did not see coming. It is always a shock, suddenly it happens with an illness, an accident, exhaustion long hours, stress, anxiety and grief and what they all have in common and is it stops us in our tracks? Everything stops, we can’t do anything, no matter how much your mind want to.
This is where my experienced Burn Out To Wellness book start from. When I look back and see where I am going in my diary it does not look or feel like it was an easy road, looking back over the last 12 months I can see the areas that took time in experience emotional and physical move through.
I looked at the beginning of my diary in July late year when everything changed and could see, yes great things and stressful and grief time started. I wanted to look from what I achieved and what happened. My journey my burn out that started with grief 5 years earlier. Reading my diary over the last 5 years, I could see a pattern emerging.
Now many years latter, I can see the patterns in clients lives and as they shared their experiences, career, traumas and grief, this was their life. How this affects the body, the mind and everything but we make it ok, because we have to keep going.
Each year at the back of my diary
On New Year’s Eve, I write in the back of my diary last few pages and journal what I achieved, what my husband achieved, what each of the children achieved, what each grandchild, are doing their age, with a new granddaughter, her birthday and grandson birthday day and the special moments with each of the grandchildren.
On New Years Day at a quiet time, I would be RELAXED in a quiet place writing, daydreaming and visualizing if started from where I am right now without adding what had happened in the year before and looking backward but bring learning and information to take me forward more quickly, What new level for my business for self care and and the grow in myself than had been before. One of my dreams was to write my next book much quicker than the last time which took 12 months.
Ready to start Writing My new book, Kindle and then Paperbook
April, I started it was time with a structure in place, the Author 13 times “Best Selling Author” very experienced Author to lead the way and 12 weeks later June 23 launched my book on amazon and achieved
“Best Selling Author” I had my book. “YES I DID IT” so excited
Some areas in all of us, do not go to happy plan and others will go their way and it was the last thing you wanted to happen and we can not control this even when it is making us sad. Keep focused on the bigger picture. Our children are watching us as we grow in ourselves, so do our children change when we give them their freedom to have their journey as we were given our freedom once
REVIVE into what was important, what was your intention to take yourself to where that fulfillment of the dream is taking you to make a difference in self, family, relationships, and career this is important to each of us. It feels like a yearning that is saying you must keep going.
Keep moving forward there will be stones in the road that will not stop you. Do you need a little help to REVIVE? Have a Regular Massage and Mentoring in Clinic Or Online Mastermind will bring you home to a relaxed life.
RENEW and keep updating the direction to be on course activating new areas opening up and bringing hope and connection to Live Empowering life. Casting my eye over having my whole family for lunch Christmas day was, full of laughter, the grandchildren riding their bikes and music playing all day.
The new year is here, this morning the area felt calm, great start to the new year, with the water fountain bringing the sounds of water running down the stones, and the green of the lawn was very tranquil and the freshness in the air.
STEPPING FORWARD Are you sitting on the sidelines not being able to move, mind stress, fears, upset, muscle pain, body illness, or been upset by what someone has said, and now it is time for you to step forward in a gentle way.
My passion for all my life has been helping women who are seeking change, calmness, fulfillment without chaos and noise, you can feel it is near here, but you don’t know how, when and where but there is a way and it will open up to coming in.
Reading this as a sign you are ready to hear, like having a dream and later feel like you have seen this place before. That’s called you are on Repeat…
In my own life, I have been there and I what it takes because done them myself, I know the path to success and mentored thousands of clients to show up, no matter what, moving forward into the next NEW level in our growth and support you to stay on track to their dreams and promises.
We Are Your Doorkeeper
WE are like the doorkeeper when fears, anxiety and I do it my way, don’t need you, and self-sabotage wants out or the too hard game world, they return to their promise they made to their high self and it is for me to have you keep your promise stay on track and success. The excitement of freedom, Calm, and loving all of your life is amazing and rewarding.
It will not look like what you thought. The way life changes is mostly depending on you controlling the outcome. Be aware are you doing that? We all don’t like change! and yet we want new and want to explore this is our journey to have fun and experience life. As you heal, there is a time when you will want to push back, fight or disagree with your coach to do it your way because it does not feel right is normal.
You are trying to keep your old way going and you start to forget or think it is too hard and want to give up on your true desire for freedom a calm easy life but staying safe in what you know the old world of chaos noise feels exciting we want to be in a group this fills you up with the chaos, energy exhaustion and anxiety which has been breaking down into illness and chronic fatigue.
Stuck Again Emotional
This is when you get stuck again, run away emotionally, make your support system coach to your success and wellness break down, and listen to the outside chaos conversation of family and friends that are stuck in themselves and stay lost for years in this place.
How tired are you?
What is important is where are you up to… in my book Burn Out To Wellness we look at burn out as how tired are you, because if you ask the doctor he will run some tests which are good to find out if your body is needing some support, now if go to gym build your energy and get fit, in your
Mid 20’s you energy to do anything, even risky and thrilling seeking,
Mid 30’s our body has been working hard, children, work, home, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress trauma, accident or injury affect us (mind stress in having eyes in the back of your head on high alert looking after children) that body and mind fatigue, if you do this your do plenty, full-time business or job, yes your doing a lot that’s mental fatigue,
in your 40’s children and their sport activities that double, school fees, work$$, and home, you are doing 100 % more than the years before,
50’s – 60’s you can feel yourself not coping there is overwhelm and no way to see how you can slow down, tired all the time, sit down and you fall asleep when you stop, often can’t sleep or crush and sleep all day from exhaustion body and your mind can’t make the body do anything.
Many people have said, the accident, illness or injury that STOPPED everything, they could not do anything but heal the body, the mind was frustrated and even angry in the beginning and slowly wellness came. Over time to recover then look back, they could see they could not keep going at the high pace they were doing.
It Saved their life. Then they created their life of doing what they loved, regular massage, self-care of the mind in coaching, organic healing foods, quiet and calm, easy-going, and time out.
In my book, you will get deeper insights and understand what to look for and why it is happening for you, in the self-help and clarity program. This is not common knowledge that you will find on the internet or with local well-known professionals.
These questions and answers are inside Burn Out To Wellness program. Start Today
Are you seeking To live your life the way you would like, I do with Self, Family, Relationships, and your work life?
Join me today…check where are you up to Call Chelsea Massage & Wellness Clinic Next Step
“Burn Out To Wellness”
How To LIVE Stress – Free Abundant Life
By Lowering Pain Pressure & Noise

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