King Of A Man
King of a Man is a man that takes care of his Wife the QUEEN and his Family, he is comfortable, loving and connected with in himself first, The Queen can count on her KING to be there every step of the way.
Dad will just know, they have been talking about what to do for a long time. He is a loving Dad being at home having fun, warm spending time being together.
Dads get time off from work to be with their wife in having their baby to care for them both. This is where the King of a Man, you get the unique roll of being the only one, to be the Dad for the first time, now your wife is a mum and the QUEEN for the first time, this is all new, (just like a new car find out where everything is and how to drive it)and you both have your own two mums and Dads, who had you, will support you in this new Role, The KING always listen to this Queens concerns as those concerns feel real, next is to set her mind at ease, when she looking for you Her KING tell her “all is Ok and I have got her back” and protecting her. Together you will know what do, Intuition and gut feelings as you both have been doing this learning and now can be focused on the needs of your child.
Babies are wanting access to Dad, putting them to sleep, here is the bonus, babies spending quality time on dad’s chest, they are listening dad’s heart beat and his warm skin sometimes it all hairy but I know that is my Dad and hear Dad breathing in and out and we all have our own unique smell like thats my dad.
Babies know their mums smell ( don’t wear deodorant perfumes and soaps smell on you. they are chemicals and chemical down in the house) Baby knows mum & dads touch, voice and smell to know it is you.
Being the King you know your wife the Queen very well and you can guide her, watch, listen and talk with her, her and your family. Your wife will look at you, you know she is in overwhelmed, tired or can’t think straight.
Set up an Agreement between the two of you.
To let your KING take care of you…
when the thought comes to you “I don’t know what to do.”
What will be the word? the look,
To let your KING know “Take Over Hun”
Coming home from Hospital: People will come and go all day and stay too long, when you first come home from Hospital. Flowers smells that are not best in home where baby is. Your man can measure the calls and people coming over 10 minutes. Use the look, the magic word of I have had enough. If they don’t have alot of visitor then that ok. You can sleep.
SLEEP: A must for mums for her calm, endurance and success, is having a sleep, when baby sleep. The biggest failure for mums health stress levels, lack of sleep, doing to much, being stubbin all of these can undermined having a good milk supply, first sleep, food and Water are more important than perfection going on and looking good for others.
MASSAGE: Second must for true success is a Remedial Massage for Mums and Dad
GRANDPARENTS: Grandparents can be a little rusty, just reminder them kindly, they did a good job with you.. The water our parent and grandparents drunk from a Rain water tank these days, you can’t drink that water for all the chemicals they put in the water and not good for babies or children with all the stuff they put in the water:
The King Of A Man is a family man a Dad is not a bully, angry or yelling or out of control with his emotions, verbal abusive, name calling, physical abusive and needing the Male dominate role as this is used in WAR, BATTLE or under THREAT OF HARM he stands tall up.
A Dad is a special and loveliest person you could ever meet. When they are around loving people, they can have a soft outside shell, on the inside you can feel and see sweetest marshmallow when you are around them. He has integrity, loving, nurturing, he’s strong yet soft and cuddle bear, he gets to be himself, relaxed, so comfortable, being connected with his life, loving, warm to his wife, his child and their own families, the love they have is amazing bond of togetherness loving and supportive everything goes back into family.
You can see these Dad’s taken their baby out in the pram or car, spending time and chatting with your baby or child, if you do, acknowledge these Dads with a smile and head nod of how amazing and special you are. Babies would prefer you put down your mobile and talk to them. Did you know Baby knows language very well and understand what you are saying they have had 9 months of training.
This togetherness is everyday life, wash dishes, cooking dinner, vaccuming looking after the other children even take the other children out to the play ground so she can have a quiet house, Mum have a sleep, have massage, to keep the fatigue lower, stay positive, have relaxation music on is soothing to the home. Dad and talks with empowering words, kindness, consideration to empower people around him everyday. What happens Dad is supported back by how he is with everyone around him.
Some thoughts from a Mans world “dropping your guard people would take advantage of you” others concern is “If I am passive I get walked all over” These are words for battle, war, watch your back, being careful and in some Businesses and working life.
These are not required for FAMILY, with your children, your loving family is where you love 110 % and love is returned 110% unconditionally.
Talk and include your own two mums, get your advice from your mums on any issues. They been through what you are going through now. Doctor and the TEXT book said so, also use “Common Sense” “listening to your baby”.
Take some experienced advise from both your parents, they have your best interest in the present.
The moment this bonus is broken with her man, or a Man makes something feel wrong, or different, then that love between a man and women wants and needs can be lost, turns into self first, nothing for family, lonely life dropping down into you (dad) being one of the children that MUM looks after.
Coming home from work, be aware your children have missed you all day and they just want to say hi and get a hug Dad or Mum. They will be loud and excited. Sit in the car for a few minutes before you go inside to the family. How you step into the home is the tone you set up future greeting for your family. Being angry from work issues fatigue and avoiding them or growling at them as their running to you with love and excitement , this will have your child feel “what did them do wrong” and have them shut down, feel hurt and be fearful of you.
In the world of Parents, (it takes two grown ups). When Mum does it all on her own without the King in a Man by her side, she has another child wanting attention. This is really sad and dis-empowering to both of you, Dad and Mum.
What is amazing is the love grows wider and deeper, your baby response to your happiness and love. Your body and mind settles as the body is changing over to breastfeeling mode. Having our Remedial massage are designed aspecially for this time. Baby relaxers because your both are there.
Baby sleep better, feed better (takes a few weeks breastfeeding) but never give up no matter what…
Stay being the KING OF A MAN Dad and Loving your Queen as she loves you back.
Meaning using Wife/Husband/Partner
King and Queen

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