90 day program“Australia’s Empowering Living Coach for Women Shows You How to be Dymanic with Your Confident SELF… Fast Track Clarity and Wisdom…So You Can Be Empowered, Happy and Peaceful!”

Discover how to empower yourself & create the Woman you want to be, who are You really are, What do you really want, How do you really feel, It MUST change, then this is for women who are tired of making everything OK for everybody else!

“Shine inward Positive Energy / create what matters to you!!

Hello and welcome,

  • Are you tired with putting up with the same stuff?
  • When will you STOP beating yourself up, from being totally frustrated and bewildered by what is happening out there and the ungratefulness of you know who.
  • There is nothing out there to get, buy or do?
  • We have been trained to struggle, just enough money, do without and go without and whats a desire?

What would it feel like if you could HAVE what you made sure your children, husband, family, friends and work colleague got from you.

The good news is: support is here BUT I am different!

Married for 37 years

My Husband – Married for 41 years

You can be a fabulous, and balanced woman. And I can show you how.

My name is Helen Brougham, Married for 41 years. I’m a mum of four gorgeous adult children, and proud grandma of EIGHT & 1 more in DECEMABER 2018

I want to tell you a little bit about myself so that you know you’re not alone…and I am not faking anything till I make it

I TOTALLY GET what you are going through right now, because I went through it myself!

It was a long time ago, 26 years ago, sometimes it feel like a month ago, over the first 20 years, back then, that I needed was help and support. I was a young mum with four small children. I was stressed, frustrated, sad and deeply disconnected from SELF – living a life full of despair, and I didn’t know what to do or whom to turn to for help. I kept asking myself…

“Why is this happening to me?” 

Sound familiar?

That early morning call I did not want to answer, was from the hospital, my grandma had died. I felt so devastated. My heart was breaking. Then eight days later my grandpa died. Now there were two funerals to organise, both my grandparents had died, my rocks, whom I loved beyond measure. The grief was paralysing.

In life it happens to each of us there is an accident, injuries, trauma, a close person dies, loss of job, illness loss of mon.ey  that have left us upset and you know that was what changed your life forever.

I didn’t know what was wrong
with me.  It was GRIEF.

On the surface, I had to be normal for the children – they were going to school every day and life was going on like it always did – but deep inside I was traumatized, fatigued, overwhelmed, and felt like I was dying emotionally.

I looked for help in many directions, and eventually stumbled upon an answer… I found a coach who helped me reconnect with myself.

I got my life back on track with the help and support of my coach – a life better and more powerful than before, this time I knew how important it was for me to look after myself to truly take care of my body, my mind and everything about me. There are five areas that made the most profound I desired freedom and health then came my husband  and family then (and thousand of clients over the last 25 years)!

Something else has happened that has woke me up to a NEW TRUTH that has shock me to my core and to even say it out loud is so sad and sicking that you will know what I am talking about if you are there having it happen to You being made wrong by another or you are making wrong in communication with anyone of family members.

It happens to parents with ADULT children, It happens for ADULT children with parents, it happens for Teens  and it happens as a young Mum and new Dads it is COMMUNICATION BREAK DOWN without the COMMUNICATION BREAK THROUGH  we are concerned about what happens out there in the world BUT back home people families are suffering is no different.

Communication and connection is what human thrive on

Fast forward today 2019
I am enjoying a relaxed and fun life,
with everyday things in life.

The tools my coach has shown me have helped me build a better relationship with myself and family.

  • how to find my happinessI’ve learned how to take care of myself first, so that I can take care of others easily– without guilt.
  • I’ve learned how to listen to my heart and body, which is which has brought an easiness to all I do.
  • I experienced a lightness that only comes from releasing the pains and memories of the past and old belief.
  • I learned how to create peace and freedom from emotional triggers that have kept me stuck in turmoil. 
  • I became a better communicator, which helped me strengthen the love, bond and friendship with my children, with my husband and in my business. 
  • Listen to understand what is going on for Yourself and that each person has a different point of view and in being in communication is the only place for understanding and togetherness. 
  • I live in the present, where I create my life today.

When you’re ready to BE in your life…LIFE will flows…

  • So when you can feel strong, at peace, joyful and be empowered…
  • You will discover newly what it feels like to have compassion for your SELF, to love yourself, without all the old stuck blame and guilt… our children don’t have it because we gave them freedom from our feeling of constraints
  • To regain a sense of freedom and balance, so that you can feel confident that you always have the right tools on hand to keep motivated and on top of things… 
  • Where life is easy going, life is not about the lastest gadget or material things and keeping up with the Jones with the biggest house or the newest car, instead in life, being debt free, means not having work hard and long hours to keep paying of home or buying those things… 
  • To enjoy home being comfortable and life of ease, pieces that need I like them..
  • Where as life is about relationships in parents, grandparents, children, family and friends and enjoying having wonderful conversations…

Then you’re going to absolutely thrive with and love my
6 Week Empowered Living Coaching 1:1 for the Woman You want to Be

with this Coaching Training…

I’ve created the “Empowered Living Create the Woman You Want to Be 1:1 Coaching Training” after working with hundreds of women (mums) to support them Getting clear on their desires, empowerment, freedom, happiness and relationships with YOURSELF  FIRST.

We’ll enjoy time together to empower you, to support you: 

  • Discover a rock-solid confidence, and make empowered choices in every situation effortlessly.
  • Create the work-life balance that works for you and your loved ones.
  • Enjoy quality me-time just for you to re-energise your spirit.
  • Nurture your children and husband while being fully present, without feelings of guilt, anxiety or too much to do.
  • Embrace indestructible self-beliefs to prepare you for anything life throws at you. 
  • Live a worry-free, stress-free and guilt-free life! 
  • Talk about creating your own “Lifestyle Business”on the knowedge you have.Beatrice said

Beatrice Porru

       Tina said

Tina Glowacki-Marella, www.tinamarcella.com
You can’t change the past, but you CAN make huge change RIGHT NOW, create your desired future!

The “6 week Empowered Living for the
Woman You Want TO BE 1:1 Coaching Program”

This gives you a new inspired and empowered direction leading to leadership in your life that comes from you creating your desired Life right now, your lifestyle, your list of experiences you want and the income to do it.
To be true to your calling, passion and desires.

This Coaching program includes:

  • An 2-hour Intensive call with me – in this call, you will create your game plan; you can get a huge breakthrough straight away,  helping you transformation into the woman you desire to be.
  • With Follow up 6 x 45-minute weekly Skype calls with me – weekly chats,  energy booster and clarity and shift issues that stand in your way (upsets & blockages)

  • Special Welcome Package
  • Access to a Private Facebook Group – connect with like-minded women to share your big and small wins and to celebrate each other, while making new friends that are going your way and amazing conversations.
  • Email access during program
  • Physical Book & ebook Book & published on Amazon “Empowering You And Your Family
  • Membership  Podcast, audios
  • BONUS: 12 month Subscription Empowering Living Magazine
    This training can be taken over a 3 months from when you start.

You’ll work with me, an experienced Empowering Living Coach, Practitioner, life coach of over 25 years and Natural Therapist and Massage, to support you get the breakthroughs to success and fulfillment.

Give yourself the gift of a deeper freedom to receive, and sign up for this package!


vickijohnson“Ladies, do not miss out on this opportunity. Helen is an old soul who can take you deeper into your own ability to receive.

I had a one hour session with her and found freedom from an old unhealed part of my self that has been quietly and cleverly blocking my ability to receive.

I feel such peace today after working with Helen yesterday. Give yourself the gift of a deeper freedom to receive and sign up for this package.” ~ Vicki Johnson, Chicago USA

Take the first step to WHAT you WANT see your Desires become real in
” 6 Week Empowered Living for the Woman You Want to BE 
1:1 Coaching Training”
You’ll love it!

” Get Started Today! “

You deserve to live your best life…

You’re in charge of your destiny and I’ll show you how you can solve the problems that are holding you back emotionally.

Together we’ll work on whatever is going on for you right now. This is about you – the woman and what’s going on in her life and relationships.

We’ll look at what’s stopping you from creating personal growth, business/ working for others and relationship growth, and what’s REALLY going on that you want to change in your lifestyle, Travel, in the relationship dynamics with your children and others.

I’ll show you how to strengthen communication with your loved ones and how to become fulfilled and happy – as a woman, and with family.

Annmarie said

Helen you have helped me become kinder with myself.

annmarieashley“As a better wife and mother I continue to learn so much from you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

~ Ann-Marie Ashley

Married – Mother of three


Together we can move step-by-step in a positive direction to support
you create a meaningful and rewarding life…doing what you love

My specialty is guiding and supporting women through life’s challenges. And to show you how to live a life that excites you, each and every day!

Whether you’re looking to experience deeper understanding, more love and better communication, in your personal relationships with your spouse, children or family members… or to improve your professional relationships and the results you create in your relationships, we begin by looking at and improving the relationship you have with yourself.

When you see yourself differently you see your world with new eyes, you show up differently, and create results that support your highest SELF.

Jenni said

Helen is an incredible powerful and intuitive coach!

jennibevill“Helen is an incredible powerful and intuitive coach.

Literally within just a few minutes she helped me access deep emotions that I didn’t even know were there.

I will forever be grateful for her help!”

~ Jenni Bevill http://www.jennibevill.com


Take the first step  ” 6 Weeks Empowered Living for the
Woman On a Mission 1:1
Coaching Training Program.”



I look forward to showing you how to live a fulfilled and happy life!

Helen xo

Helen Brougham

Empowering Living Coach for Women on a mission

Author, Empowering Living Coach, Natural Therapies Practitioner & Life Coach

PS. You can only CHANGE when you want something better.
PSS. Many women have said if they had only known earlier what I did, they have done the program a long time ago. The biggest challenge is not going without any more, but bringing what we have to others back and giving it to yourself a positive  mindset